Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 52

members notice about students ’ history of violent behavior . The administration will inform the [ parent or guardian ] of any written notice of classroom teacher or staff member .
B . Parents will be given notice that they have the right to review and challenge records or data , including the data documenting the history of violent behavior , in accordance with Policy 515.2 , Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records .
Policy 524.2 : Policy and Code of Ethics for Acceptable Use of Electronic Information , Communication and Technology Resources
Note : Discipline Policy 506.0 also addresses acceptable technology use . It states : “ Possession and / or use of any electronic device , including a computer , in a manner , which threatens or intimidates others and / or disrupts the educational process .”
The Technology Steering Committee is charged with the management of the Information , Communication , and Technology ( ICT ) resources of the school district . These resources include all voice , video , and data systems . These systems include : telephones , television monitors , portable electronic devices , computers , servers , local and wide area networks , the connections to other computer networks via TIES , and the Internet and stored electronic data . A part of this management responsibility includes the establishment and administration of an acceptable use policy and implementation guidelines of these resources by staff , students and other users .
The intent of this statement is to give an overview of user responsibility , acceptable and unacceptable use of these resources without exhaustively enumerating all such responsibilities , uses and misuses . The policy is not intended to interfere with efficient work habits but to protect employees and the students and families we serve by establishing expectations for behavior as well as the boundaries we need to keep with our students and families . The Acceptable Use Guidelines document contains more specific information .
District Responsibilities
Under the Children ’ s Internet Protection Act ( CIPA ), districts are required to restrict minors ’ access to internet-based materials . The District has licensed a commercial internet filtering package that meets or exceeds the CIPA requirements for student protection .
In addition , the school district has created units of learning to educate students about appropriate online behavior , including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyberbullying awareness and response .
User Responsibility
• Comply with all existing school board policies as they may be interpreted to apply to ICT resources , including but not limited to the following :
Staff : Selection and Reconsideration of Instructional Materials and Resources : Harassment , Violence and Discrimination ; Use and Rental of School Facilities ; Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records ; and the Media Materials Selection Policies
Students : Student Discipline and Harassment , Violence and
Discrimination Policies ; Bullying Prohibition Policy
• Respect the privacy of other users , and not intentionally seek information on , obtain copies of , or modify files , other data or passwords belonging to other users without permission .
• Comply with legal protection provided by copyright and license to programs , data and documents .
• Help maintain the security of the district ICT resources by adhering to all security rules developed by the Technology Steering Committee and / or the users ’ buildings .
• Monitor and supervise any individual to whom access to ICT resources is granted by you , the user .
• Comply with the acceptable use policies of all ICT resources to which the district has access .
• Our buildings and schools provide the resources for employees to fulfill their professional duties ( in many cases , this is a computer with district-approved software and an office / classroom phone ). Under normal circumstances these resources should meet staff members ’ professional communication needs .
• Use that encourages efficient , cooperative and creative methods to perform the user ’ s job duties or educational tasks .
• Use related to instructional , administrative , and other support activities considered consistent with the mission of the district .
• Use of district ICT resources for authorized and appropriate access to voice , video , and data systems , software or data , both locally and at other sites .
• Use consistent with the mission of the Anoka-Hennepin School District .
• In execution of professional duties , any use of personal phones to communicate with students , parents , staff , or others must comply with all district policies relating to professional codes of ethics and behavior .
• Providing , assisting in , or gaining unauthorized or inappropriate access to the district ’ s ICT resources , including any type of voice , video , or data information server .
• Activities or excessive personal use of ICT resources that precludes staff from performing job duties effectively or that interferes with student learning .
• Activities that result in the loss of another student / staff member ’ s work or unauthorized access to another student / staff member ’ s work .
• Distribution of any material in such a manner that might cause congestion of the voice , video , and data networks .
• Distribution or collection of obscene , abusive , or threatening material via telephone , video , electronic mail , Internet or other means .
• Use of ICT resources for a commercial , political , or profitmaking enterprise , except as specifically agreed to with the appropriate district supervisory staff .
50 ahschools . us / policies 2022-23 School Handbook