Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 46

who wish to make a complaint regarding a disability discrimination matter may use the accompanying Student Disability Discrimination Grievance Report Form .
The form should be given to the Section 504 Coordinator .
MN Statue 102A . 35 : Religious Accommodation
Students shall be allowed a reasonable number of excused absences to observe religious holidays within their traditions . Students and families should follow regular approval procedures for excused absences in making any such requests . Students may be asked to complete makeup assignments or tests in conjunction with such absenses .
Policy 903.2 : Policy regarding parental contact with students during the school day
The Anoka-Hennepin School District recognizes the rights of both the biological parents of a student to have equal access to communication with their child during the school day . At the same time the District realizes the importance of providing a learning environment for all students that is free of distractions and disruptions . Whenever possible parents / guardians should arrange to meet with and / or talk with their children outside the school day .
In the event of an emergency which requires parental contact with a child during the school day , the parent / guardian should telephone or go to the office of the building principal to :
1 . Request that the child be called to the office to meet with the parent / guardian and / or to speak with the child on the telephone .
2 . The principal or designee may determine if the child may leave class at that time to meet or talk with the parent / guardian .
3 . This policy and the procedures will be implemented equally with all parents / guardians whether custodial or non-custodial .
The School District recognizes that disputes often arise between divorced or estranged parents ; however , it is not the arbitrator of these disputes and will not assume that role . Accordingly , the Anoka-Hennepin School District will not enforce custody or parental visitation orders that are not specifically directed at it .
This policy outlines the procedures parents follow if they need to meet with their child during the school day for an emergency .
1 . The principal or designee may select the meeting place and determine the length of time the student may be away from class . If appropriate , the principal or designee may be present when the parent / guardian meets with the child .
2 . Parents / guardians may not go to classrooms , cafeterias , or other school locations to meet with their children unless they first check into the principal ’ s office and receive permission to do so .
3 . When a non-custodial parent / guardian requests to take his / her child off school grounds during the day or to pick a child up in school at the end of the school day for the purpose of taking the child off school grounds , written permission must be granted for this release by the parent with whom the child resides and the school may contact the parent with whom the child resides to inform them .
Policy 531.0 : The Pledge of Allegiance
The school board recognizes the need to display an appropriate United States flag and to provide instruction to students in the proper etiquette , display , and respect of the flag . The purpose of this policy is to provide for recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and instruction in school to help further that end .
Students in this school district shall recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America one or more times each week . The recitation shall be conducted :
A . By each individual classroom teacher or the teacher ’ s surrogate ; or
B . Over a school intercom system by a person designated by the school principal or other person having administrative control over the school .
Anyone who does not wish to participate in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance for any personal reasons may elect not to do so . Students and school personnel must respect another person ’ s right to make that choice .
Students will be instructed in the proper etiquette toward , correct display of , and respect for the flag , and in patriotic exercises .
MN Statute 121A . 46 : Pupil Fair Dismissal Act
SUSPENSION PROCEDURES Minnesota Statute 121A . 46
Subdivision 1 . The school administration shall not suspend a pupil from school without an informal administrative conference with the pupil . The informal administrative conference shall take place before the
This is an excerpt from the Pupil Fair Dismissal Act , a state law . Anoka-Hennepin follows these procedures when suspending , excluding or expelling a student .
suspension , except where it appears that the pupil will create an immediate and substantial danger to self or to surrounding persons or property , in which case the conference shall take place as soon as practicable following the suspension .
Subd . 2 . At the informal administrative conference , a school administrator shall notify the pupil of the grounds for the suspension , provide an explanation of the evidence the authorities have , and the pupil may present the pupil ’ s version of the facts .
Subd . 3 . A written notice containing the grounds for suspension , a brief statement of the facts , a description of the testimony , a readmission plan , and a copy of sections 121A . 40 to 121A . 56 , shall be personally served upon the pupil at or before the time the suspension is to take effect , and upon the pupil ’ s parent or guardian by mail within 48 hours of the conference . The district shall make reasonable efforts to notify the parents of the suspension by telephone as soon as possible following suspension .
44 ahschools . us / policies 2022-23 School Handbook