Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 45

an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student .
3 . Any activity involving the consumption of any alcoholic beverage , drug , tobacco product or other food , liquid , or substance that subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student .
4 . Any activity that intimidates or threatens the student with ostracism , that subjects a student to extreme mental stress , embarrassment , shame , or humiliation ; or that adversely affects the mental health or dignity of the student or discourages the student from remaining in school .
5 . Any activity that causes or requires the student to perform a task that involves violation of State or Federal law or of a School District policy or a school regulation .
B . “ Student Organization ” means a group , club , or organization having students as its primary members or participants . It includes grade levels , classes , teams , activities or particular school events . A student organization does not have to be an official school organization to come within the terms of this definition .
A . Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of hazing , or any person with knowledge or belief of conduct which may constitute hazing , shall report the alleged act ( s ) immediately to an appropriate School District official designated by this policy .
B . The building Principal is the person responsible for receiving reports of hazing at the building level . Any person may report hazing directly to the Student Services Coordinator or to an Associate Superintendent .
C . Teachers , administrators , volunteers , contractors , and other school employees of the school district shall be particularly alert to possible situations , circumstances , or events which might include hazing . Any person who receives a report of , observes , or has other knowledge or belief of conduct which may constitute hazing shall inform the building Principal immediately .
D . Submission of a good faith complaint or report of hazing will not affect the complainant or reporter ’ s future employment , grades , or work assignments .
A . Upon receiving a complaint or report of hazing , the School District shall undertake or authorize an investigation by our School District administration or a third party designated by the School District .
B . The School District may take immediate steps , at its discretion , to protect the complainant , reporter , students , or others , pending completion of an investigation of hazing .
C . Upon completion of an investigation , the School District will take appropriate action . Such action may include , but is not limited to , warning , suspension , exclusion , expulsion , transfer , remediation , termination , or discharge . Disciplinary consequences will be sufficiently severe to deter violations and to appropriately discipline prohibited behavior . School District action taken for violation of this policy will be consistent with the requirements of the applicable bargaining agreements , applicable statutory authority , including the Minnesota Pupil Fair Dismissal Act , and other School District policies and regulations .
The School District will discipline or take appropriate action against any student , teacher , administrator , volunteer , contractor , or other employee of the School District who retaliates against any person who makes a good faith report of alleged hazing or against any person who testifies , assists , or participates in an investigation or a proceeding or hearing relating to such hazing . Retaliation includes , but is not limited to , any form of intimidation , reprisal or harassment .
This policy shall appear in each building ’ s student and staff handbook and in the School District ’ s Student Discipline Policy Manual , and in the Administrative Policy Manual . It shall be published annually in a format which shall be accessible to the communities included in this school district .
Policy 521 : Nondiscrimination Policy for Students with Disabilities
The purpose of this policy is to protect students with disabilities from discrimination on the basis of disability and to identify and evaluate learners who , within the intent of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ( Section 504 ), need services , accommodations , or program changes in order that such learners may receive a free appropriate public education .
A . Students with disabilities who meet the criteria of Paragraph C . below are protected from discrimination on the basis of a disability .
B The responsibility of the School District is to identify and evaluate learners who , within the intent of Section 504 , need services , accommodations , or program changes in order that such learners may receive a free appropriate public education .
C . For this policy , a learner who is protected under Section 504 is one who :
1 . has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of such person ’ s major life activities ; or
2 . has a record of such an impairment ; or 3 . is regarded as having such an impairment .
D . Learners may be protected from disability discrimination and be eligible for services , accommodations , or program changes under the provisions of Section 504 even though they are not eligible for special education pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act .
Persons who have questions or comments should contact the District Section 504 Coordinator in Student Services . Persons
2022-23 School Handbook ahschools . us / policies 43