Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 30

administrative and / or legal action .
* School zone : The area surrounding school property to a distance of 300 feet or one city block , whichever distance is greater , beyond school property .
2 . Students who become aware of a weapon ( that is not subject to an exception listed in this policy ) being brought to school or on school property must immediately notify an adult staff member . A student , who becomes aware that he / she is in possession of a weapon and immediately notifies an adult staff member , may avoid , depending on circumstances , being considered to be in possession of a weapon . Students should not , however , pick up or transport the weapon .
3 . Administrative Discretion : While the Anoka-Hennepin School District forbids the possession , use or distribution of weapons by students , the superintendent ’ s designee may use discretion in determining whether , under specific circumstances outlined by district administration and the school board , a course of action other than a referral to the school board for expulsion is warranted . If so , other appropriate action may be taken , including consideration of a recommendation for lesser discipline .
C . Definition of Weapon : weapon is defined as a knife , firearm , or an item which looks like a firearm , whether loaded or unloaded , in working or non-working condition ; destructive explosives , any incendiary device or look-alike and / or the threatened intent or intent to cause an explosion ; or any other device or instrument which is utilized in such manner so as to threaten , intimidate or produce bodily harm or the fear of such . Weapons include , but are not limited to the following :
1 . All firearms , loaded , unloaded , working or not working
2 . Other firearms of all types including pellet , BB , stun , splat , starter pistols , and / or look-a-likes , or replica firearms which include facsimile or toy versions of firearms and reasonably appear to be a pistol , revolver , shotgun , sawed-off shotgun , rifle , machine gun , rocket launcher , or any other firearm
3 . Knives including switchblade or automatically opening blades , butterfly knives , Swiss army knives , pocket knives , box-cutters / utility knives hunting knives , daggers , swords , razors
4 . Artificial knuckles or similar objects designed to be worn over or inside the fist or knuckles
5 . Blackjacks , clubs , throwing stars , martial arts devices
6 . Explosives and / or similar devices and / or the threatened intent to cause an explosion
7 . Poisons , chemicals , combustible or flammable liquids , or substances capable of causing bodily harm
8 . Slingshots , bows and arrows 9 . Chemical irritant ** i . e . pepper spray , mace
10 . Any other device or instrument used to intimidate , threaten , or inflict bodily harm or fear
D . Exceptions : This policy , in accordance with Minnesota law , provides for the following exceptions :
1 . Licensed police officers , military personnel , licensed security personnel
2 . Instructors of school district approved firearm safety courses or activities conducted on school property
3 . School district approved possession and use of weapons by ceremonial color guards
4 . School district approved possession and use of starter guns for athletic contests
5 . School district approved equipment and tools used and stored appropriately on school property for instructional or work-related purposes by workers and students
6 . Other exceptions as granted by the superintendent E . Implementation of the Policy on Weapons
1 . Weapons violation , Federal law : Pursuant to the Federal “ Gun Free Schools Act of 1994 ” any student who brings a weapon ( firearm and / or destructive device as defined under Federal law ) shall be expelled from school for not less than one year .
2 . Middle school students : Possession of a weapon , as defined in this policy , by students in middle school , grades six through eight , will lead to the immediate initiation of the expulsion process and may lead to referral to the police . The School Board will expel middle school students for a period of not less than the equivalent of one trimester of student contact days , and not more than 12 months . Alternative educational services will be provided to the student during the expulsion . A student in middle school will reenter school on the day the expulsion is completed .
3 . High school students : Possession of a weapon , as defined in this policy , by students in high school , grades nine through graduation , will lead to immediate initiation of the expulsion process and referral to the police . The School Board will expel high school students for a period of not less than the equivalent of one trimester of student contact days , and not more than 12 months . Alternative educational services will be provided to the student during the expulsion . A student in high school will reenter school on the first day of the new term closest the completion of the expulsion .
4 . Elementary school students : Principals in the elementary schools , when disciplining students in grades K-5 for possession of a weapon , as defined in this policy , will suspend the student and determine the intended and actual danger to other students and staff . ( Note Expulsion may be recommended .) The principal will inform the student ’ s parents of the disciplinary action . In all cases the student will receive information regarding the danger of weapons .
5 . Students with Disabilities :
a . Students with disabilities may be suspended for violation of school rules in accordance with state and federal law .
b . If the student is in violation of the district drug , alcohol policy or has a weapon as defined by federal
28 ahschools . us / policies 2022-23 School Handbook