Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 29

alarms , activation of stink bombs and unauthorized access to school data ;
9 . Violation of school bus or transportation rules ; 10 . Violation of parking or school traffic rules and regulations ;
11 . Possession , distribution , or display of slanderous , libelous , pornographic , racist , or gang related materials or symbolism ;
12 . Student attire and / or personal grooming which creates a danger to health or safety ; creates a disruption to the educational process , or violates common standards of decency as they apply to a community school setting , and / or any apparel , jewelry , accessories , or matter of grooming which by virtue of its color arrangement , trademark , or any other attribute ( as a primary purpose ) denotes membership in an organized gang ;
13 . Criminal activity ; 14 . Violation of other school rules , policies , or procedures .
C . Disciplinary action or consequences for these offenses may include but are not limited to the following
1 . Student conference 2 . Parent contact 3 . Parent conference 4 . In-school monitoring 5 . Referral to in-school support services 6 . Detention 7 . Removal from class 8 . Suspension from extracurricular activities 9 . Physical restraint 10 . Suspension from school
11 . Referral to Child Study Team ( see Due Process / Total Special Education Systems manual )
12 . Referral to community , county or outside agencies 13 . Transfer to another school building 14 . Expulsion or exclusion from school 15 . Referral to police or other law enforcement agency
D . When determining an appropriate action , the administrator will consider the extent of the disruption to the safety of an individual or a group or to the disruption of the learning environment in the schools .
E . Students with Disabilities :
1 . If the alleged violator is a student with a disability under IDEA or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act , the specific placement and services for the student will be consistent with state and federal requirements and are to be determined by the student ’ s IEP Team .
2 . Use of Conditional Procedures : Students with disabilities who demonstrate behaviors which interfere with the student ’ s or others ’ safety and or learning , which has not been ameliorated through the use of positive behavioral interventions , may result in an IEP Team determination to use a conditional procedure in conjunction with continued use of positive behavioral interventions . The school district maintains procedures for use of conditional procedures , which are consistent with state and federal law .
IV . STUDENT DISCIPLINE : POLICIES A . Student Disruptions Policy
1 . As stated in the philosophy of our District Student Discipline Policy , an environment conducive to learning must be maintained to ensure equal educational opportunity for all students . Because an environment is partially determined by the conduct of the students , student self-discipline relative to district , building and classroom rules and regulations is a desired goal .
2 . It shall ; therefore , be a policy of the Anoka-Hennepin School District that :
a . Every student abides by the rules and regulations of this district .
b . Disciplinary action including expulsion may be taken for behaviors , which are disruptive or violate the rights of others to an environment conducive to teaching and learning .
3 . Early intervention in attempting to improve a student ’ s pattern of disruptive behavior is strongly encouraged . This should include involvement of parents / guardians and the utilization of available school district resources provided for students , including screening by the child study team .
4 . A student will be referred to the school board for expulsion , if various appropriate interventions have been implemented and documented and the student persists in behavior which :
a . Violates any reasonable School Board regulation . Such regulation must be clear and definite to provide notice to pupils that they must conform their conduct to its requirements , or
b . Significantly disrupts the rights of others to an education , or the ability of school personnel to perform their duties , or school sponsored extracurricular activities , or
c . Endangers the pupil or other pupils , or surrounding persons , including school district employees , or the property of the school .
B . Policy on Weapons
1 . It is the policy of the Anoka-Hennepin School District to maintain a positive , safe and secure learning and working environment . Therefore , the District will not tolerate weapons as defined in this policy at any time on school property or in the school zone , * including district owned buildings and grounds ; leased or rented facilities ; school sponsored activities ; field trips ; school buses and other school vehicles ; and school bus loading and unloading areas . Students and visitors may not possess , store , handle , transmit , or use any weapons in any of the school environments listed above . Any student found to possess , store , handle , transmit , or use any weapon before , during , or after school hours would be subject to
2022-23 School Handbook ahschools . us / policies 27