Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 27

and the parents will be asked to provide a detailed written summary of the assessment by the evaluation agency , but may decline .)
C . All activity eligibility consequences shall follow the Minnesota High School League Rules and Regulations and building policy .
D . Local law enforcement officials will be informed of the violation .
E . All federal and state rules and regulations concerning special education students will apply to this policy .
F . The school ‘ s chemical abuse pre-assessment team will be notified . The chemical abuse pre-assessment team ’ s responsibility is to address reports of chemical abuse problems and making recommendation for appropriate responses to the individual reported cases .
* This includes exchange for goods , services , or monetary gain .
Policy 506.0 : District Student Discipline
A . Statement of Philosophy on Conduct and Discipline : The care , management , and control of the school district is vested in the School Board by Minnesota Public School Law ( MS 120 . A . 20 ).
This policy is designed to keep our schools safe .
• It lists student rights and responsibilities .
• It clearly outlines the disciplinary actions that are taken for policy violations .
B . Schools have a responsibility to parents and students which goes beyond the educational program . They must provide students with a suitable environment while on the school premises and at other school activities away from the school grounds . An environment conducive to learning must be maintained to ensure an equal educational opportunity for all students . Because an environment is partially determined by the conduct of the students , student self-discipline relative to rules and regulations is a desired goal . These rules and regulations are designed to promote a desired environment for learning . It shall , therefore , be a policy of Anoka-Hennepin Independent School District No . 11 that every student abides by all rules and regulations of the district .
C . Before effective learning can take place , reasonable order or discipline must be present . Basically , the responsibility of classroom discipline rests with teachers ; however , the principal is responsible to provide supervision , guidance , training and assistance to teachers in handling discipline problems . Experience indicates that a positive approach to discipline is effective . Early intervention in attempting to improve a student ’ s behavior is strongly encouraged . This may include but should not be limited to early involvement of parents or guardians and utilizing available resources , including referral to the child study team and the use of support services .
D . The Anoka-Hennepin School District recognizes its obligations to comply with the provisions of the Pupil Fair Dismissal Act and MS 121A . 61 ( and removal of students from class statute ). In local , state , and Federal proceedings , the fundamental question has been and is one of fairness for students . The elements of due process are designed to ensure that this goal is reached . Due process is the implementation of procedure which , when adhered to , guarantees the protection of individual rights .
A . This statement of rights is not expected to cover every situation that may arise . The rights of an individual are preserved only by the protection and preservation of the rights of others . All students attending Anoka-Hennepin District No . 11 schools have the right to :
1 . A free and appropriate education as defined by state and Federal statutes
2 . Equal educational opportunity and freedom from discrimination
3 . Due process as defined by state and Federal statutes and rules
4 . Freedom of inquiry and expression 5 . Data privacy 6 . Be informed of school rules
B . Rights bring responsibilities and a student is responsible for the manner in which his / her individual rights are exercised . This statement of responsibilities is not expected to cover every situation that may arise . All students attending Anoka- Hennepin District No . 11 schools have the responsibility to :
1 . Attend school daily , except when excused , and to be on time to all classes and other school day functions ,
2 . Pursue and attempt to complete the course of study prescribed by the state and local school authorities ,
3 . Make necessary arrangements to make up school work when absent ,
4 . Assist school staff in maintaining a safe school for all students enrolled therein ,
5 . Be aware of all school rules and regulations and conduct themselves in accordance with them ,
6 . Assume that until a rule is waived , altered , or repealed , it is in full effect ,
7 . Be aware of and comply with state and local law ,
8 . Be aware of and comply with State High School League and regulations and School Board policy when participating in extracurricular activities ,
9 . Be willing to volunteer information in disciplinary cases and cooperate with school staff should they have important knowledge relating to such cases ,
10 . Protect and take care of school property and the property of others ,
11 . Dress and groom to meet fair standards of safety , health , and standards of decency ,
12 . Avoid inaccuracies in student newspapers or publications and indecent or obscene language , both written and verbal ,
13 . Express ideas in a manner that will not demean or slander others .
2022-23 School Handbook ahschools . us / policies 25