Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 26

C . Restorative Meeting with parents or guardians stressing the importance of preventative measures ( If it is determined that an assessment is appropriate , the parents will be asked to provide for the completion of the assessment , and the parents will be asked to provide a detailed written summary of the assessment by the evaluation agency but may decline .)
Third Offense
Grades 9-12
A . 10 day suspension and referral for expulsion . If a resolution for expulsion occurs , students can return on a probationary status sooner which will be determined by the completion of a chemical dependency program .
B . Restorative Meeting with parents or guardians stressing the importance of preventative measures ( If it is determined that an assessment is appropriate , the parents will be asked to provide for the completion of the assessment , and the parents will be asked to provide a detailed written summary of the assessment by the evaluation agency but may decline .)
First Offense : A . 1-3 day suspension B . Referral to Vape Educate Online Module ( Vaping THC )
C . Referral to Chemical Health Specialist for assessment and determination for further support .
D . Restorative Meeting with parents or guardians stressing the importance of preventative measures ( If it is determined that an assessment is appropriate , the parents will be asked to provide for the completion of the assessment , and the parents will be asked to provide a detailed written summary of the assessment by the evaluation agency but may decline .)
Second Offense : A . 5 day Suspension
B . Referral to Chemical Health Specialist for assessment and determination for further support .
C . Restorative Meeting with parents or guardians stressing the importance of preventative measures ( If it is determined that an assessment is appropriate , the parents will be asked to provide for the completion of the assessment , and the parents will be asked to provide a detailed written summary of the assessment by the evaluation agency but may decline .)
Third Offense :
A . 10 day suspension and referral for expulsion . If a resolution for expulsion occurs , students can return on a probationary status sooner which will be determined by the completion of a chemical dependency program .
B . Restorative Meeting with parents or guardians stressing the importance of preventative measures ( If it is determined that an assessment is appropriate , the parents will be asked to provide for the completion of the assessment , and the parents will be asked to provide a detailed written summary of the assessment by the evaluation agency but may decline .)
II . Distribution and / or intending to distribute chemicals / controlled substances
K-5 : Any student who , on school property or at a schoolsponsored activity : sells *, buys , or provides alcohol , narcotics , inhalants , or any mood-altering substance ( including look alike substances ); or who possesses with the intent to sell or provide alcohol , narcotics , inhalants or any mood-altering substance ( including look alike substances ); will be :
A . Suspended from school for up to 10 school days .
B . Referral to building pre-assessment team ( may include but is not limited to : building principal , building nurse , teacher / case manager , school social worker , and student learning advocate .)
C . Parent conference stressing preventative measures . ( If it is determined that an assessment is appropriate , the parents will be asked to provide for the completion of the assessment , and the parents will be asked to provide a detailed written summary of the assessment by the evaluation agency , but may decline .)
D . Reviewed for possible expulsion from the Anoka- Hennepin School District for up to one school year .
* This includes exchange for goods , services , or monetary gain .
Grades 6-12 : Any student who , on school property or at a schoolsponsored activity : sells *, buys , or provides alcohol , narcotics , inhalants , or any mood-altering substance ( including look alike substances ); or who possesses with the intent to sell or provide alcohol , narcotics , inhalants or any mood-altering substance ( including look alike substances ); will be :
A . Suspended for 10 days and be referred to the School Board for an expulsion of up to one calendar year .
B . Parent conference stressing preventative measures . ( If it is determined that an assessment is appropriate , the parents will be asked to provide for the completion of the assessment ,
A note to parents : Our schools need to be a safe environment for all students . Please read this policy carefully and discuss it with your children . The Anoka-Hennepin School District firmly enforces all aspects of the School Discipline Policy to provide all students with a safe school experience . Occasionally , a student violates the Policy on Weapons section by mistakenly bringing a weapon , such as a pocketknife , to school . The policy is enforced regardless of whether or not the student intended to bring the weapon to school . Please emphasize the following cautions with your child :
• If you want to attend school in the Anoka-Hennepin district , DO NOT bring anything that could be considered a weapon to school with you .
• Weapons are not allowed on your person , in your desk or locker , or in your car in the school parking lot .
The district is also very serious about the policy related to controlled substances . No controlled substances – drugs , marijuana and alcohol – are allowed in school or within the school zone , defined as within 300 feet of school property .
24 ahschools . us / policies 2022-23 School Handbook