Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 18

Volunteers help in a wide variety of ways , both in and out of the classroom . They assist students with reading and math , judge science fairs and other academic competitions , chaperone field trips , perform clerical work , serve on school and district committees , and much more .
Each school has a volunteer services coordinator who helps recruit volunteers and match them with opportunities .
• All volunteers are required to complete a volunteer application and a criminal record history release form for each school , and school year before they are eligible to start their volunteer assignment .
• Volunteers must sign in at the office and wear a volunteer badge at all times .
Anyone interested in volunteering in an Anoka-Hennepin school can call 763-506-1585 or the school ’ s volunteer services coordinator . More information is also available at ahschools . us / volunteer .
Procedures for concerns , complaints
We hope that your family ’ s experience with the Anoka-Hennepin School District is positive and meets the needs of your child ( ren ). If you are unhappy , we invite you to express your concerns or complaints .
Through experience we have learned that the person best able to address a concern is generally the person closest to it . With that in mind , we suggest that you start at the top of the list below . If you are not satisfied , then move to the next step and so on .
Expressing a concern
• If you have a concern or complaint , please talk first with your child ’ s teacher or coach .
• If your child ’ s teacher or coach is not able to handle the issue , please contact the school principal .
• If the issue is not handled satisfactorily at the school , you may bring it to the school district by contacting the appropriate associate superintendent :
• Elementary school , Dr . Mary Wolverton : Contact her administrative assistant at 763-506-1061 .
• Middle school , Becky Brodeur : Contact her administrative assistant at 763-506-1008 .
• High school , Dr . Joshua Delich : Contact his administrative assistant at 763-506-1009 .
• If you feel the associate superintendent does not handle the issue satisfactorily , you may share your concern or complaint with the superintendent and School Board by contacting the administrative assistant to the superintendent and School Board . This is currently Debbie Koffski , 763-506-1002 or debbie . koffski @ ahschools . us She will notify the superintendent and the School Board .
Getting a response from the district
The superintendent or the appropriate associate superintendent or other cabinet member will respond to you and copy the School Board . Some investigation or analysis may be needed for a complete response . You will be notified of the approximate time frame for getting a complete response .
STUDENT INFORMATION Guidelines for use of student photos
Anoka-Hennepin staff , volunteers , representatives of the news media and others occasionally photograph , audio and / or video record students ( including participants in Community Education activities ). The photos , audiotape and videotape may be used in school , district and community newsletters , e-newsletters , newspapers , activity programs , yearbooks , brochures , educational videos , podcasts , websites , social media sites and television , and for other appropriate uses . Parents or guardians may choose to limit the use of their child ’ s photo . When a child enrolls in an Anoka- Hennepin school , parents or guardian ( s ) will be asked to select one of the following options ( if parents wish to change this choice after initial enrollment , please contact your child ’ s school ):
Section A : Photos
• No Restriction : A child ’ s photo will be taken and / or a child may be videotaped or audiotaped for all purposes as described above .
• Partial Restriction : A child ’ s photo will be taken and used only for the school yearbook ( individual and group photos for class and activities ), the class photo and school identification records .
• Full Restriction : A child ’ s photo will be taken but used only for internal school identification records ; it will not be used in the school yearbook / class photo .
The parent ’ s or guardians ’ choices will be recorded in the child ’ s records . Parents or guardians may update their photo choice at any time by updating the ‘ Information Release ’ component in the Student Online Registration .
Although the school will take reasonable steps to prevent students with full or partial restrictions from being photographed , the school cannot guarantee that a student will not be photographed / videotaped as part of a large group , such as participating in a school assembly , walking through a school hallway , and other situations where there are large numbers of students .
Do you need student data ?
The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act ( MGDPA ) gives the public access to many types of school district data . The superintendent has designated specific staff members to assist citizens who request data .
For public data requests , see ahshools . us / domain / 12433 Designee for public data : Data Compliance Analyst : 763-506-1111 Designee for regular education student data : Director of technology and information services : 763-506-1026 Designees for special education student data : Director of elementary special education : 763-506-1359 Director of secondary special education : 763-506-1353 Designee for personnel data : Director of employee services : 763-506-1144 Designee for labor relations : Director of labor relations & benefits : 763-506-1142 District data practices compliance official : District general counsel : 763-506-1089
16 ahschools . us / policies 2022-23 School Handbook