Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 17

Title 1
What is Title I ?
Title I is a federally-funded program , which is part of the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 . Anoka-Hennepin uses Title I funds at the elementary level in schools that exceed the district average for free or reduced price lunches . The purpose of this legislation is to provide opportunities for children to acquire the knowledge and skills they will need to achieve proficiency according to Minnesota Academic Standards .
Title I schools in Anoka-Hennepin are :
Adams Elementary School , Eisenhower Elementary School , Evergreen Park World Cultures Community School , Franklin Elementary School , Hamilton Elementary School , Hoover Elementary School , Lincoln Elementary School for the Arts , Jefferson Elementary School , Johnsville Elementary School , Mississippi Elementary School , Madison Elementary School , Monroe Elementary School - Mathematics , Science and Children ’ s Engineering , Morris Bye Elementary School , Ramsey Elementary School , Sand Creek Elementary School , University Avenue Elementary School - Aerospace , Children ’ s Engineering and Science , and Wilson Elementary School .
Title I Parents ’ Right to Know : As a parent in a Title I funded school , you have the right ...
• To know the qualifications of your child ’ s teacher .
• To know when your child has a substitute teacher for more than four weeks and the qualification of the substitute teacher .
• To expect regular communication with your school in a language and format that you can understand .
• To work with other parents and staff to jointly develop , and provide input on the Family-School Compact , Parent Involvement Plan and Family Engagement planning .
For more information or to get involved in the Title I Parent Advisory Committee at your student ’ s school , contact the school ’ s principal .
Parents ’ role in homework at the secondary level
In general , students who spend more time on homework do better in school . Completing homework regularly also helps students develop good work habits and self-discipline . While secondary students need to become independent in getting their homework done , parents can help them develop good habits .
• Help your child be organized with schoolwork . Encourage him or her to write down all assignments in a planner or notebook . ( A student planner is provided to all middle and high school students .)
• Help your child develop a daily routine for completing homework that allows enough flexibility for school activities plus time to spend with friends .
• Provide a quiet place to study , away from the distraction of television .
• Sometimes homework is difficult . When your child asks for help or is struggling , help your child find the resources ( people , books , and reference material ) to get it done . The student should also talk to the teacher for clarification or help . Don ’ t do the work for your child .
• Provide basic supplies and resources your child will need . Refer to your school ’ s supply list .
• Show an interest in your child ’ s work and offer to take him or her to the library or elsewhere to do research if needed .
Media center accommodations
Parents should feel comfortable communicating with the school ’ s library media specialist regarding their child ’ s choice of books . Please see your school media specialist with any concerns about reading content or any special circumstances your family may have . Accommodations will be made to meet your child ’ s needs .
Parenting is challenging . . . resources for you
Parents and others who help children grow up face many changes and challenges . Help in meeting those challenges is readily available .
Community Education classes are available throughout the school year to help parents . Learn from experts and connect with other parents to discover new ways to help students of all ages succeed in the classroom , develop positive interactions with family and peers and prepare for the future . For specific class and registration information visit www . discovercommunityed . com or call 763-506-5766 .
The Parent Resource Center ( PRC ) lends library materials to parents , families and staff of the Anoka-Hennepin Schools ’ community . Choose from over 1,000 books , CDs or DVDs to enhance your parenting skills . Topics include parenting strategies , school success , birth-adolescent development , special needs , mental health and more . Materials can be reserved online , sent through interoffice mail and returned to any of our Anoka-Hennepin schools .
The PRC is located inside door one at 2727 N Ferry St ., Anoka , and is open from 8 a . m . to 4:30 p . m . on school days . Call 763-506- 1587 or visit ahschools . us / prc for more information .
Parents , guardians and visiting guests are welcome . For everyone ’ s safety , all visitors must sign in at the office , receive and wear a visitor badge at all times . Visitors not displaying a visitor badge will be referred to the office . Upon leaving , we ask that visitors , parents and guardians sign out in the office .
Classroom visits by parents and guardians can inform them about the learning materials and strategies used in their child ’ s school . Arrangements should be made with the school in advance as to the date and length of visit . This will ensure that visits are informative for parents and guardians and do not disrupt learning activities , tests , and other classroom schedules and routines .
See the visitor policy on page 57 .
2022-23 School Handbook ahschools . us / policies 15