Policies Policies 031819 | Page 7

working collaboratively on an assignment which has been specifically stated to be completed individually pre-prepared answers and cheat sheets in tests (handwritten and electronic) copying an answer from another test taker steal/obtain and copy a test or exam in advance having a tutor/parent/sibling do homework assignment using internet resources on an assignment which has been stated to be done by the student downloading a prepared paper/essay from an internet site copying answers from back of textbook turning in someone else’s old project/homework willingly allowing homework or answers to be copied having in possession a mobile phone during a quiz/test/assessment l l l l l l l l l l l How can it be avoided? STUDENTS should: l understand that cheating is unethical and intellectually dishonest be honest and choose not to cheat l be well organized and manage their time well in order to prevent the temptation to cheat l trust own judgment and seek help from the teacher when unsure l TEACHERS should: l assign assessment tasks which encourage personalization l let students know when it is acceptable to work together l be vigilant during tests and monitor constantly l enforce a ‘no talking’ policy during assessments in class l create different tests and vary the content of test each school year l make students aware of consequences l make expectations clear to students by providing clear instructions before each assessment task Procedure if a student is caught cheating: l collect evidence of occurrence of cheating l deal with minor offences at the classroom level l report incident to relevant HOD and Principal if serious Procedure for Principals: l meet with student and report to parents at the Principal’s discretion l record on student’s file l determine consequences Possible consequences (dependent on extent of cheating): l F grade on assignment or test www.issh.ac.jp [email protected] Revised on March 18, 2019 7