POLE MANIA 012013 | Page 31

31 mind anyway... I don’t like working in it. Denisa: Many people try to distance pole dance from strip clubs. Do you think these tendencies are healthy? Doesn’t it take some fun out of pole dancing? Pantera: As far as taking the stripping out of pole dancing. It’s never gonna happen, you can’t do it... It’s ingrained in people’s lives to look at a pole and think stripper, right? You can’t change that... And why can’t you change that... Here is the reason why... because there are still poles in strip clubs. There’s still strip club, there’s still strippers dancing on poles. You’ll never change people’s mentality about that until you get rid off the poles in strip clubs. Good luck! On top of that the taboo is what made it famous. It’s what made people wanna do it. It enticed people. It’s like its roots, you know what I mean? Me and a lot of these girls that started doing this racket were strippers. So a lot of these huge names that have been around for as long as I have or almost as long as I have are/were/are strippers. I don’t know what they’re doing now but I don’t see what the point is in being disrespectful to the roots. I don’t see what the point is in being rude to the people that ... You know how people get really irritated when you say you’re a pole dancer and they go “oh so you’re a stripper, right?” People don’t do that so much anymore, pole dancing is really getting a lot more mainstream and people are kinda telling the difference. People like me, people like Katie, Jamila, they might have something to do with it. People like us are the ones who first took the load of all of that bullshit. So it’s really disrespectful ... let me just speak for myself... it’s really disrespectful to me. I don’t think you know what we did. So you can stand there and be all arrogant about not ever being a stripper. It’s like a double-edged sword: “I can walk aroun ?]B?[??^H\??[??[???]?]H]?H?]?\??Y[?B???\\??'K??[?\?N??\?\?H]?\?H[?Y[??[?[?B??[?Y????H[??[???[?\?N???\?H\??]?\??Y[?H[?Y[???[?H?[?Y????H[??[???[?\?N??]?\?H\?\?[?H??[?H?X\???[?\?N?]8?&\?H\??H?[???\??H\?\??[?H??YH?X\??\??&]?X[H?Y[?[?H??[K??[?\?N?[?x?&\?HX??K??[?\?N??[??]8?&\?H]?HH?X[Y?[?Y?H???Z[??^?[Y[H??H]?\?H[??Z[???\?H?????[?[?H]?H??[Y[X?\???]X[?H[??]\?H[??H[??[?????H]?H[???X?Y ????Y??HYH\?H?\?H?Y[????Z?H?[?\????K?[?\?H?\?H?Y[??????[?\??[???K?[??Y??HYH]8?&\?[\?H?\?[??[??[?H?[YH?]]8?&\??[?H?[[?\?X???X[H?\?Y ?]?\?[\?H?^?H[???HY[??[?[???X?[?[?Y[?[? ? [? ??? ???YK??