Point Of Hope - Issue26 - February 2016 February 2016 | Page 16
?What w e have received is not
the spirit of the w orld, but the
Spirit w ho is from God, so that
w e may understand w hat God
has freely given us?
1 Corinthians 2:12, NIV
didn't get it...but ?these are the things
God has revealed to us by his Spirit? ?
(1 Corinthians 2:10, NIV)
?What we have received is not the
spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is
from God, so that we may understand
what God has freely given us? (1
Corinthians 2:12, NIV) ?? we have the
mind of Christ.? (1 Corinthians 2:16,
What is Jesus' mind l ike?
Let?s take a look at these thoughts
and situations to try to find out:
When our ident it y is in quest ion; and
/ or we f ace t he t empt at ion t o sin:
?Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into
the wilderness to be tempted by the
devil.? (Matthew 4:1, NIV) Satan
attacks Jesus' identity and tries to
tempt Him to forsake God.
?? If you are the Son of God...? (Verses
3, 6) ?? if you will bow down and
worship me? (Verse 9).
We see the mind of Christ by the way
He responds ? with God's Word:
?? It is written...? (Verse 4), ?? It is also
written...? (Verse 7) AND ?? Away from
me, Satan! For it is written...? (Verse
In t he midst of any ?st orms?in our
l if e:
?Suddenly a furious storm came up on
the lake, so that the waves swept over
the boat. But Jesus was sleeping?
(Matthew 8:24, NIV).
Jesus never fears! He knows Who is in
control ? always! No matter the
storms of life? we, too, can know Who
is in control. When we rest in that
assurance, there is no place for fear!
February 2016
Point of Hope Magazine