Point Of Hope - Issue26 - February 2016 February 2016 | Page 13
guards everything. He is the one who sits at the perimeter gate of your life. If your dad left your
household, you may find it difficult to say to the Lord, ?? my whole world ? it begins and ends with YOU.?
It may be difficult to count on Him that much, since we tend to relate our experience with our earthly
father to our Heavenly Father. If this describes you, for any reason, ask the Lord to heal your heart and
reveal Himself to you as your Father. Ask Him to teach you how to be His daughter, so you can move
forward into your 2016 adventure ? knowing that He never leaves you; you are covered, and He will
come through for you! Hear Him say to you, ?? You?ll be in My heart. Yes, you?ll be in My heart. From this
day on, now and forever more? ? (from You?ll Be In My Heart, Phil Collins).
Thank you, Lord!
~Shelly Hess
His Word, Your Hope