Point Of Hope - Issue26 - February 2016 February 2016 | Page 12
by me? For all the truth that YOU
(make) me see? For all the joy YOU
(bring) to my life? For all the wrong
that YOU (make) right? For every
dream YOU (make) come true? For all
the love I (find) in YOU? I?ll be forever
thankful? YOU?RE the One Who
(holds) me up, never (lets) me
fall? YOU?RE the One Who sees me
through, through it all? YOU (are)
always there for me, the Tender Wind
that (carries) me? (The) Light in the
Dark shining YOUR love into my
life? (YOU?RE My) Inspiration?
Through the lies YOU (are) The
Truth? My world is a better place
because of YOU? YOU (are) My
Strength when I (am) weak? YOU
(are) my Voice when I (can?t)
speak? YOU (are) my eyes when I
(can?t) see? YOU (see) the best there
(is) in me? (Lift) me up when I (can?t)
reach? YOU (give) me faith cause YOU
(believe)...I?m everything I am
because YOU (love) me? (Because
You loved Me, by Celine Dion).
My whole world ? it begins and ends
with YOU.
?I love YOU, Lord, my strength. The Lord is my
rock, my fortressand my deliverer; my God is my
rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the
horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I called to
the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I have been
saved from my enemies? (Psalm 18:1-3, NIV).
Since I know this, and I know WHO holds my
future, I can move forward in my adventure
through 2016 ? with great expectation! ?God is
not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man,
February 2016
Point of Hope Magazine
that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not
do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it
good?? (Numbers 23:19, NASB)
My whol e worl d ? it begins and ends wit h YOU.
Recently, I spoke with a friend. Her husband left,
and her little boy is having a hard time with it. As I
listened, I couldn?t help but feel afraid ? thinking
what it would have been like if my dad had left
us. Just imagining it caused me to feel afraid and
insecure because (to me) a dad is the one who