POD Section 8
Rolling Stock & Fleet Management
The trains used by a railway are crucial to its service provision and a fleet of safe , reliable and efficient trains is essential to the success of any railway operation . You will need to understand all aspects of fleet management including design of rolling stock , leasing and the delivery and monitoring of the train service against plan .
How good is your knowledge ?
Complete this self-assessment to see how well you know this subject area and what you can do to improve your knowledge and experience .
Essential Knowledge & Experience Elements
The operating characteristics of the various types of electric and diesel vehicles and their applications for heavy rail , light rail and metro systems
Passenger considerations such as bogie design , doors and luggage . Freight considerations , weight , height , length , axle braking and financial consequences
Types of rolling stock including on track machines ( OTMs ) and connectivity between fleets
The principal functions of fleet maintenance including cleaning , fuelling , mileage allowances and types of maintenance exams , wagon prep , loading exams
Depot capacity including depot constraints , rules of the depot , planned and unplanned maintenance and staff resourcing
Operations control and its role in fleet management , real time planning and work prioritisation to ensure sufficient trains to cover booked diagrams at the optimal energy consumption
The safety critical information systems Fleet renewals , leases and contract renewals
The need to have a full train fleet in service per booked diagram / formations – Right Time , PPM , Passengers in Excess of Capacity , train presentation requirements
Contingency plans for short formations to deliver the train service and Defective On-Train Equipment ( DOTE )
Motive power allocation during disruption , eg Traincrew knowledge , route restrictions on traction , fuel / power availability which affect allocation of trains , outstabling , remote fuelling and couplers
Total points
0 None
1 Basic
2 Moderate
3 Good
Add up your score using one point for Basic , two for Moderate and three for Good . Use your combined score to see suggested activities on the opposite page .
Chartered Institution of Railway Operators