Pocklington School Newsletter Summer 2022 Summer 2022 | Page 6

CCF honours the fallen in local act of remembrance

Teaching staff news

Members of the Pocklington School Combined Cadet Force proudly represented their contingent and the School at a local Remembrance Sunday Service .
The service was held at St Catherine ’ s Church , Barmby Moor , followed by a wreath-laying ceremony at its Commonwealth War Graves Memorial .
Present at the act of remembrance , conducted by former parent Annie Harrison , were pupils Venus Tam , Alix Perthuisot , Freddie Taylor and Tom McDowell , accompanied by Patrick Dare ( OC RAF Section , Pocklington School CCF ) and fellow teaching staff Jenny McDowell and Tom Taylor . Also in the congregation were members of the 102 ( Ceylon ) Squadron Association .

Wellbeing - Be kind

Relationships and how to manage them are a constant topic of conversation in the lives of our pupils .
This term students have taken a good look at how to manage their online and face to face relationships through assemblies , PSHE lessons , counselling and in the constant management of them within their peer groups .
At the end of this term , I step down from my role as Head of Pupil Welfare after 9 years of helping students manage the complexity of their relationships with themselves and one another .
The task is unending , yet rewarding , each season bringing with it fresh and sometimes unexpected challenges . There is no secret formula - relationships can be tough , need compromise , understanding , resilience and clear communication . I wish all pupils the very best of

Duke of Edinburgh

During the church service , Freddie Taylor played the Last Post and Reveille beautifully and Tom McDowell read the Kohima Recitation " When you go home , tell them of us and say : For your tomorrow , we gave our today .” A wreath-laying ceremony at the church ’ s Commonwealth War Graves Memorial followed , where the graves of 54 airmen of the Second World War , as well as two First World War burials can be found .
The Pocklington School cadets were on duty again later the same day , when they attended a further act of remembrance at the Wolds Gliding Club where 405 Squadron and 102 ( Ceylon ) Squadron share the same Airfield Memorial . Following the service , the cadets joined the veterans in the wreath-laying ceremony by laying a cross on behalf of Pocklington School and the CCF contingent .
luck as they navigate their companionships remembering above anything else to be kind .
Clare Swann , Head of Pupil Welfare
We will be saying a fond farewell to the following teaching staff at the end of this academic year : Jason Ronald ( Maths ), Adam Lea ( Head of Drama ), Ana Descalzo Cansado ( Spanish Assistant ), Fiona Tuplin ( Sports Coach ) and Angus Learmonth ( P . E . and boarding ). David Galloway also leaves us for a second time after returning for a maternity cover in Languages . We of course wish them all the very best for the future and thank them for their considerable efforts .
Joining the staff in September are Paul Allams and Rebecca Newitt ( Key Stage 3 teachers – various subjects ), Catherine Crossley ( Head of Drama ), Elizabeth Walker ( Maths ), Ceri Himsworth ( Business Studies ), Arriane Morgan ( Head of Student Wellbeing and Safeguarding ), Eva De Nadai ( Faircote Resident Deputy ), Oliver Toomey ( Graduate Sports Assistant ), Freya Peckitt ( Sports Coach ) and Tom Casson ( Rugby Coach ). Nicola Holbrough will also return following her maternity cover in drama to take on the new role of Trinity Drama Co-Ordinator .
Changes to roles and appointments internally are : Adam Copley ( Head of Project Qualifications ), Sarah McLoughlin ( Academic Scholar and Oxbridge Coordinator ) and Charlie Parker ( Academic Extension Coordinator ). Chris Ball will also join Fenwick-Smith boarding house as the Resident Tutor .
We also welcome back Louise Everatt to the Languages department and as Dolman Middle School Housemistress ( thank you to Lucy Hornby for her excellent cover in that role this year ) and Clare Swann steps down from her role as Head of Pupil Welfare but will remain as a part time teacher in the Art and PSHE departments . Clare has devoted herself to the care and wellbeing of Pocklington Students over an incredible period of time and in numerous pastoral roles . There is not the space to do her contributions justice here , but she has been an outstanding lead on our wellbeing provision , and we thank her for everything she has done across the Foundation .
Gareth Hughes , Assistant Head
Participants from Pocklington School dedicated 481 hours to volunteering between April 2021 and March 2022 , with a social value of £ 2222.22 .
This is an incredible achievement , and we are very proud of this cohort .
Volunteering has a huge impact on young people . That ’ s why it ’ s such an essential part of a DofE programme .
It was a pleasure and a privilege to see so many of our former students receive their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Awards at Buckingham Palace in May .
Whether it ’ s by giving back to their community , developing a passion for a particular cause , or learning a new skill through their volunteering activity , the Volunteering section changes lives and has a positive impact on communities .