Pocklington School Newsletter Lent Term 2019 | Page 6

Double win for Wilberforce in House Music The strong and varied musical talents of Pocklington School’s pupils were showcased during the Sixth Form-led House Music Festival at the school’s Tom Stoppard Theatre. In total, 225 pupils from each of the school’s four houses chose music and practised among themselves before performing for two nights in a variety of styles in front of packed audiences and a judging panel. The judges congratulated all performers, making special mention to the Sixth Form organisers from each house. The award for the best individual item over the two nights was given to WILBERFORCE for their unique performance of ‘Clapping Music’. After careful deliberation, the overall trophy was also awarded to WILBERFORCE, received by screams of joy from the packed balconies. 2 0 1 9 S W I N N E R E S U O H E C R WILBERFO 5