Photography Competition - A celebration of science and creativity
In celebration of National Science Week , the Biology Department held a Senior School photography competition , aptly titled ‘ Nature ’, which received an overwhelming number of high-quality entries from pupils and staff . Pupils , parents and staff were welcomed to an exhibition in the School Library to celebrate all the stunning entries .
A panel of judges from Pocklington Camera Club lent their expertise to award a winner and two runners-up for each category and expressed their admiration for the quality and creativity of entries .
Alex McGregor , Chair of Pocklington Camera Club commented : “ We were impressed by the number and quality of the entries across all the various age groups . Technical ability is one thing , but having the eye for what makes a good photograph is something that is more natural and harder to teach . Both were demonstrated in the entries for this competition . Well done to all who entered and we hope to see more of the same in the future .”
Our Fourth Year cadets have now all successfully passed their air rifle weapons handling tests and have fired the air rifle live and we are equally pleased and proud to report that our final platoon is only weeks away from completing their skill at arms training using the Cadet GP rifle . Our Army platoons are now in the middle of fieldcraft training which was enriched massively by the recent field day at Driffield Training Area . Our RAF cadets have been equally busy with skill at arms and RAF specific training and thoroughly enjoyed their field day visit to Elvington Airfield and Museum . We now look forward to our Adventurous Training expedition during the Easter break and our Biennial Inspection on Tuesday 16 April . Looking further ahead , our
Fourth Year and Lower Sixth cadets will be given the chance to fire on a live firing range as part of our field day in the Summer Term . It continues to be busy and exciting for our cadets and I hope many will consider taking part in the Army / RAF Summer Camps , as the training packages look fantastic .
Samantha Hughes , Contingent Commander