Plumbing Africa Plumblink's first hundred stores | Page 15

A Plumblink truck. for the workers and is keen to recognise talent. “Some of our branch managers as example are those who have taken advantage of learning opportunities and they are expected to also pass on this knowledge. This is an extremely hands- on business, our branches, which are on average around 250m 2, are staffed by between four and eight staff depending on the shop size and how busy they are.” The above talks to the greater efficiency of the business: when it had 19 stores it had around 600 employees, and with over a hundred today it has just over a thousand employees, albeit the stores are smaller. Previously, every store had a vehicle and a buyer, and generally more of each position. Many positions and functions have been centralised, and today each branch does not have a creditors and debtors clerk or buyer as example – it is all done at the regional head office due to the company’s seamless IT system, as well as simplification of stockholding. The result of the streamlined business is that new stores also reach profitability earlier than before in the old model. Plumblink has not deviated from the wholly owned model, despite Chandler Plumblink - Proudly Bidvest Your local plumbing store “ Plumblink is also a major supplier to the insurance industry and government, notwithstanding the oft-reported difficulties of being paid by government.” 13