Plumbing Africa March 2019 | Page 40

38 PROJECT Old inner-city buildings take on new role Located in the Johannesburg Central Business District (CBD), is the heritage-listed Jeppe Street Post Office that was primed for conversion opportunities. Jeppe Street Post Office. Compiled by Benjamin Brits Currently in South Africa, it is estimated that we have a housing backlog of around 2.1 million units. This is equivalent to approximately 12 million people without access to adequate housing. Affordable property is difficult to come by, social housing is vastly under- supplied, and homebuilders are facing the reality of a slow and unpredictable economic environment. In South Africa’s urban areas, where employment and education opportunities are fairly easy to come by, the problem is even more stressed. The CBDs of the major cities are difficult places in which to find accommodation. March 2019 Volume 25 I Number 1 Despite significant demand in the market, supply fails to keep up as more and more people are attracted to the economic opportunities on offer. In the post-1994 election period, the Johannesburg inner city became an unattractive place and many corporates exited the area. This essentially left a stockpile of empty buildings, that when repurposed, would be one solution to this crisis. This opportunity was grabbed by Affordable Housing Company (Afhco), founded by entrepreneur Wayne Pitt in 1996. The company then started repurposing old buildings into quality residential spaces. Part of one