Plumbing Africa March 2019 | Page 39

BUSINESS AND TRAINING on-the-spot promotions to consumers, based on where they are shopping and what they are buying. Users will have a tailor-made world of offers at their fingertips. Users will retain the ability to grant sharing permissions, equipping them with control of their own data and ensuring they aren’t targeted by unwanted campaigns. However, the sharing of their data opens up a world of possibilities. closely monitored to avoid a mass dissemination of data. Once a consumer has granted permission, there will need to be a process that allows the consumer to revoke this, should they wish to. The consumer needs to retain the ability to know where their data is at any given time, especially with the imposed requirements of general data protection regulation (GDPR) and the Protection of Personal Information (PoPI) Act. It also gives an opportunity for the unbanked to do away with carrying cash and access credit. Leveraging a payment solution that is either inexpensive or free, if supported by advertising revenue, the unbanked will be able to build a payment record and credit history, which opens the door to credit opportunities. PoPI is a South African regulation, which will naturally apply to South African businesses and individuals. GDPR is, however, a European regulation. Despite this, South African businesses should not assume that the GDPR will not affect them. CHALLENGES Despite the sweep of open banking, different banks across various countries are all at different stages of PSD2 adoption. Banks are going to need to stay close to the process to retain their relevance and ensure they aren’t excluded from the payments system altogether. With regard to data protection and security, the regulation has been careful to state that consumers must grant permissions for data sharing. However, this is a process that will need to be cleverly and 37 Any local business who has operations in Europe, who deals with European suppliers, or who has so much as a single European customer, needs to comply with GDPR. Financial institutions will need to keep mindful of these regulations when embarking on any new initiative. There is no doubt that the banking world will see a tremendous and exciting shift, and there is much to be gained from open banking. Banks, emerging AISPs, and PISPs will need to ensure they engage with partners who are at the forefront of banking technology to forge ahead and retain their momentum once there. PA March 2019 Volume 25 I Number 1