Plumbing Africa March 2019 | Page 21

ASSOCIATIONS 19 Safety alert — back to basics Many would agree that we need to move with the times — and change is one of them. By IOPSA This is true in some instances but can be damaging in other respects. EHS Today stated: “Often, perhaps too often, safety people are on the hunt for ‘what’s next’; sometimes even abandoning the steps they’ve taken that have been yielding successful results.” STOP – THINK – ACT Each aspect of this safety slogan — Stop–Think–Act — can help us to re-evaluate, readjust, and reaffirm. Stop This first step to a successful safety management system, or even just having a safe workday, is: • Ensuring you have a good understanding of all the facts. • Knowing and understanding the area you are working in. • Having clearly defined procedures for the scope of work. • Addressing the needs of the employees. This means that you need to stop and evaluate the current state of your system or process. How? Simple! Ask yourself: “Does it measure up to minimum requirements?” What to do? Audit. Realistic answers to questions outlined in a compliance assessment will give you the facts. system is to keep you safe. So, if that is not happening, then the system is not working. Think Do we need to reinvent the wheel with the newest trend or latest offers? Think holistically: “What do I need?” “What does my job require?” “How can it be done safely?” “How are others affected?” When you are out working, think about how the procedure says it must be done, and the practical way of doing it. Make suggestions, put forth your solutions, and then listen to advice. Having this type of approach to your safety system will give you an understanding on how to improve attitudes and behaviours and it fosters trust and open communication among co-workers. Remember: It cannot be done alone! Act After taking the time to establish where you are, and understanding what it is you need to do, do it! • Document your procedure and follow through. • Use the P–D–C–A (plan– do–check–act) approach and monitor the outcome. • Never give up; saving one life is worth it! TWO THINGS TO DO 1. HIRA (hazard identification and risk assessment) This process should be done by involving as many people as appropriate. Don’t overcomplicate it; remember to think of the basics. It is best done at the site, around the work area, or in front of the work equipment. Whether you are in an office, on a construction site, or at a client’s home, the HIRA process can be done continually and its findings noted down later. 2. Incident and accident prevention Your success will be reflected in the ratings of your incidents. The whole purpose of a safety We are all responsible for health and safety, which means we all have a say. But our motivation should be for a stronger, more effective system; not to make our paperwork less. FINAL NOTE Having a system in place is one thing; ensuring employees understand the basics is another. One way to achieve a higher standard of communication is to hold regular safety meetings. Keep them short and to the point, and ensure you make an effort to end off on a positive note. PA March 2019 Volume 25 I Number 1