IOPSA holds first health and
safety training programme
Free to qualifying IOPSA members, the training has been
designed to assist in gaining the necessary knowledge and
skills to address the basic safety issues affecting plumbers.
on the outcomes of the SAQA unit standards that
govern fair and quality training to all.
Basic Firefighting
Trainees credited with this unit standard will be able
to demonstrate knowledge of fires in the workplace,
the probable causes of the fire, how to prevent them,
how they are detected, and how to apply emergency
firefighting procedures.
This is a one-day training programme.
Ten members
were successfully
accredited in IOPSA’s
first first-aid training.
On 12 and 13 February 2019, the first group of 10
approved IOPSA members received a two-day first-
aid training.
The companies that received training were as follows:
• Lifetime Plumbing
• Property Plumbing Services
• Radinthe Plumbing
• Modern Plumbing Works.
On the first day, the group completed the theoretical side
of the training, and on day two, they did their exam and
practical assessment. Proudly, all 10 trainees received their
accreditation for First Aid Level 1. On 26 February 2019,
IOPSA will be doing their first firefighting class at their new
offices. IOPSA wishes to train 10 candidates a month for
a 12-month period. Every IOPSA member will have the
opportunity to send two candidates from their company to
attend each of the courses (first aid and firefighting).
An application form along with a motivation letter
must be sent to [email protected]. Successful
candidates will be allocated a training date, which
has been pre-arranged for each month of this year.
Integrated Health and Safety Solutions has been
called in to assist with presenting these courses,
as it has the necessary resources and partnership
accreditations for facilitation. Each course is based
March 2019 Volume 25 I Number 1
The qualifying trainee is capable of:
• Specified requirements include definitions,
standards, procedures, and classes of fires and
codes of practice.
• Symbolic signs include firefighting equipment, fire
hydrants, escape routes, alarm positions, first-aid
equipment, emergency telephone, refuge bay,
assembly point.
• Electrical.
First Aid Level 1
This unit standard is for persons required to assess an
emergency and provide basic life support and basic first aid to
stabilise patients prior to transfer to the emergency services.
This is a two-day training programme.
The qualifying trainee can:
• Demonstrate an understanding of emergency scene
• Demonstrate an understanding of elementary
anatomy and physiology.
• Assess an emergency.
• Apply first-aid procedures to the life-threatening
• Treat common injuries.
For more information and for further details around the
course content, please contact IOPSA. PA