PLENTY-Summer-2024 Joomag Summer Growing Season | Page 9

nary contributions to the region ’ s natural beauty , agricultural heritage , or historical narrative that are exclusive to those locations .
Mouth of Monocacy Road is one such honored road , rich with history dating back to its recording as a public road in 1793 . From its western bounds marked by the Monocacy Aqueduct and the C & O Canal to its eastern terminus crowned by the B & O Railroad Viaduct spanning the Little Monocacy River , and paired with expansive vistas of Sugarloaf Mountain , it ’ s 2.4-miles of natural and architectural splendor .
Joining Mouth of Monocacy as an Exceptional Rustic Road is nearby Martinsburg Road , the only road included on the county ’ s historic preservation plan . At its intersection with Whites Ferry Road ( also a Rustic Road ) stands Warren Historic Site , a collection of three buildings built after emancipation by the African American community of Martinsburg .
Farther north on Martinsburg Road , rolling fields , pastures of buttercups , and stands of trees are broken up by historic farms and distinctive barns , all casting you back 150 years ago , when you may have traversed that path by horse and cart .
The bucolic lane is lined with stone walls of locally mined red Seneca sandstone , the same material used to build Smithsonian Castle , as well as nearby Seneca Lock and Riley ’ s Lockhouse , both located in the C & O Canal National Historical Park .
A strip of concrete , of uncertain origin , splits the road down the center . One theory calls it a “ politician ’ s road ” or “ politician ’ s
Rustic Roads take cyclists , hikers , horseback riders and cars by charming countryside vistas and attractions like the historic Monocacy Aqueduct .
pig path .” Harkening back to the can hold surprises around every 1930s when automobiles were first turn . People visit the Agricultural rolling off assembly lines , these Reserve for outdoor recreational concrete segments nearly always opportunities in its many parks . led to the gate of a prosperous and The Rustic Roads themselves are politically well-connected farmer . a favorite of cyclists and horseback riders , who can more safely
The other theory is that these one-lane concrete roads were traverse their winding paths . “ milk pikes ,” built to move fresh
Rustic Roads are also vital for milk from dairy farms to the railroad for daily delivery to the DC farm markets , ice cream shops ,
the local economy , dotted with
market . No matter which theory artisan studios , and tasting rooms you choose to believe , these innocuous concrete segments are a neurs keeping Montgomery Coun-
that support the local entrepre-
reminder of the mysteries of the ty ’ s agricultural traditions alive . county ’ s past .
Sarah Rogers , Executive Director of the Heritage Montgomery
Although Rustic Roads are utilitarian , often serving as shortcuts or a way to avoid traffic lights remember that the Rustic Roads
Heritage Area , wants people to
on busier thoroughfares , they are not just paths to someplace —
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