PLENTY-Summer-2024 Joomag Summer Growing Season | Page 10

they are an integral part of the experience . “ Rustic Roads provide context for the history of the Agricultural Reserve and the heritage destinations located in the Reserve ,” she explains .
Leslie Saville , a former Montgomery County Planning staffer , agrees . “ The Ag Reserve was created when I was 20 years old ,” she remembered . “ As a kid , my father loved fishing , and we were always out at the Izaak Walton League in Poolesville . We were up and down the Patuxent , we were up and down the Potomac , and so I knew these places from the backseat of Dad ’ s old Rambler station wagon .
“ As an adult , I still look at these places with the eyes of a kid , being transported back to my childhood ,” Saville continues . “ I very belatedly realized that ’ s because the County created the Agricultural Reserve and the Rustic Roads program , which preserved the Upcountry area as it was when I was a child . Had they not preserved it , that entire landscape would have been changed .”
Preserving rustic roads is an important way to ensure our county ’ s heritage remains for future generations to enjoy . Once functioning as Native American trails , post roads , rolling roads , and mill roads , today , the Rustic Roads allow us all to experience history and to make memories , whether that means picking strawberries at a local farm , spending the night in a lockhouse , or wandering among the sunflowers at McKee-Beshers Wildlife Management Area .
In contrast to privately held museums and homesteads , Rustic
Roads belong to the public and are open for everyone to explore at no cost . But if we don ’ t preserve the roads , we can ’ t preserve the land . They are inextricably linked .
You can do your part by slowing down and not littering — many wild animals make their homes in habitats along the roads and need your help to ensure their survival . Most importantly , spend time exploring the roads . Heritage Montgomery has driving tours you can download to inform your trip .
To keep our past alive , history can ’ t just be remembered ; it must be experienced .
Heidi Schlag serves as the Assistant Director of Heritage Montgomery . She is a seasoned marketing and communications professional with expertise in promoting nonprofit , heritage , culture , and tourism organizations .
A view of “ Horse Hole ” on Seneca Creek from Berryville Road , an Exceptional Rusrtic Road .
10 plenty I summer growing 2024 PHOTO : WIB MIDDLETON