PLENTY-Summer-2024 Joomag Summer Growing Season | Page 4

Building A “ nutwork ”

Working together to turn tree crops into staple crops
by Matt Grason

When I ’ m out and about , I notice food growing from trees all around me . In my neighborhood , I see mulberries , juneberries , cherries , black walnuts , acorns , hickory nuts , and persimmons — all delicious and nutritious foods — that drop to the sidewalk and get swept away . This is locally sourced , often native , sustainable food . While foraging these foods has become very popular in recent years , how often do you see them in your grocery store or at your farmers market ?

The top crops produced in the U . S . are corn , soy , wheat , hay , alfalfa , beets , sugarcane , rice , and potatoes . 1 These are all annual crops . They must be planted every year , the ground cleared of competing plants , the soil amended with fertilizers in place of long-lost soil nutrients , and beneficial insect and fungi populations obliterated to prevent outbreaks of a small subset of pests . The fossil fuels used to till and the consequent loss of organic carbon in the soil are huge contributors to agriculture ’ s annual carbon footprint . 2
A recent article published in the Autumn 2023 issue of PLENTY Magazine highlighted the need for a resilient food supply chain in Montgomery County , agriculture ’ s contribution to climate change , and how to support local food production . 3 In addition to highlighting the great work of local farmers in the Montgomery County Agricultural Reserve and beyond , the authors emphasized that “ long-term solutions [ to food insecurity and the climate impact of our food system ] require our region to transform and diversify our food systems .”
Can we build a more resilient and diverse food system by adding the foods that are growing right above our heads ? What might that look like ? Not every Montgomery County resident has the space , free time , knowledge , and confidence to forage . Foraging en-masse could be devastating to our dwindling wild places . Essentially , we would need to collaborate and support coordinated efforts to build new systems to make these bioregional crops a part of our everyday diets .
Mid-Atlantic ecosystems include a cornucopia of native tree-based food crops . Fruits include cherries , apples , mulberries , persimmons , pawpaws , elderberries , and juneberries . Tree nuts include chestnuts , hazels , hickories , black walnuts , and even acorns . Tree nuts as well as the leaves and stems of robust trees like willow , poplar , and mulberry can also be a food source for cows , pigs , chickens , and other livestock . These all come from perennial plants , meaning their roots and often tops live from year to year .
Just like annual crops , perennial tree crops can be grown , harvested , processed , stored , and sold locally , or aggregated to supply commodity markets . We can start by finding and harvesting tree nuts and fruit in our backyards and
4 plenty I summer growing 2024