PLENTY-Summer-2024 Joomag Summer Growing Season | Page 3


summer growing Season • 2024
4 Building a “ Nutwork ” Working together to turn tree crops into staple crops by matt grason
11 Ending Childhood Hunger Montgomery County ’ s Office of Food Systems Resilience launches new strategies by catherine nardi
15 Green Fields : It ’ s Not Just Grass by melane kinney hoffmann
28 AftriThrive : Bridging the Gap between Food Security and Cultural Integrity
by amanda cather
35 Saving the Land : A Fragile Balance How preservation programs protect the Ag Reserve
by melane kinney hoffmann
44 Bird Walk Shares the Joy of Birding at RedGate Park
by cintia cabib
8 Rustic Roads & Waterways Preserving Rural Heritage
by heidi schlag
19 Out in Nature Making MoCo More Bike Friendly
by dave magill
23 Recipe Box Dandelions : Little Weeds that Roar by lorraine rose
26 An Eye for Beauty Stepping into a Photographic Career
by david ris
33 Wild Thing Our Wild Family
by caroline taylor
47 From the Ground Up How to Build your Homegrown National Forest at an Affordable Price
by françoise andré publisher i managing editor & design Jane Perini publisher i staff writer & photography Wib Middleton cover photography Wib Middleton
PLENTY , Summer Growing Issue 2024 . Plenty is published three times a year by Thunder Mountain Publishing LLC . It is distributed free of charge in many Montgomery County , MD locations as well as locations in Frederick . © 2024 by Thunder Mountain Publishing LLC . All rights reserved . Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited . • www . plenty-agmag . com • 301.527.2295
42 Rural Roots Willard Family Honored by Governor
by james clifford
48 Shop the Reserve Farm Market Stores in the Reserve