PLENTY-Summer-2024 Joomag Summer Growing Season | Page 31

LAND LINK Montgomery
the community she has called home for over a decade .
“ We are about empowering our African immigrant community not just to survive but to thrive ,” she explains . AfriThrive ’ s responsive , comprehensive programming takes a holistic approach to community health , combining agriculture , cultural identity awareness , and nutrition advocacy through its mobile food pantry , farming and gardening education , and newly launched assistance programs for small businesses in the African immigrant community . An AfriThrive conference in July of 2024 will focus on parenting and youth development issues in the African immigrant community , which Dr . Choti hopes will eventually spark the development of an independent organization . In the meantime , Dr . Choti sees the agricultural and ethnic diversity of Montgomery County as a source of immense potential and richness . She would like county residents to see “ the transformative power of integrating cultural sensitivity with our food security efforts . AfriThrive is not just combatting hunger , it ’ s nurturing the immigrant community by respecting and preserving our cultural identity through food . Because cultural identity is key , it ’ s life .”
“ I would like people to come out of this inspired to support our efforts ,” she says . “ Seek to understand the needs of the community , and let the community come up with solutions . That way is sustainable . There is this profound impact when we offer culturally informed services . I can see how it is impacting the community .” She invites anyone who is interested to engage with AfriThrive as a supporter or a volunteer in their farming or outreach programs . Even other farms can contribute , she says , pointing out that AfriThrive educates non-African farmers on how to expand their crop mix to better serve their ever-more-diverse customer base . Crops like pumpkin leaves , for example , which most farmers in the county see as part of the plant that creates a vibrant Halloween jack-o-lantern , are important , vitamin-rich foods in many African cuisines .
“ With Montgomery County being a cultural melting pot ... the food needs are diverse and so we need to respond by making our food system more diverse and more equitable so that everybody finds a space .”
Amanda Cather is the Mid-Atlantic Program Manager for American Farmland Trust and co-owner with her husband Mark of Plow and Stars Farm , a pastured livestock operation in Poolesville , Maryland .
Farmers seeking land
LAND LINK Montgomery
A program of Montgomery Countryside Alliance helping farmland and farmers find each other ...
Land Link has matched 33 new and expanding farmers with long term leases . Here are a few of the farmers that are still seeking land through the program .
n An African with 30 + years experience in farming back in my country and 4 years experience in gardening here in the USA looking for one acre of land to produce vegetables and , if possible , a small poultry operation to give my community the best vegetables and chicken . I will soon complete the Beginning Farmers training program with Eco City Farm and would like to apply my new knowledge learned .
n We are an employment social enterprise . Our mission is to eradicate barriers to employment faced by women who have been impacted by the justice system , are unhoused , aged out of foster care , or are chronically unemployed . Currently , we are in a business accelerator with the American Heart Association and a program sponsored by Howard University . Our need is 5 acres or more with access to water for our pasture-raised laying hens , and to grow seasonal produce and flowers . A land donation , long-term lease , or sale is what we are seeking to continue job training operations . Thank you for considering our “ do good ” organization !
n We are Army veterans with 10 + years of experience and grew up around farming our whole life . Our farm will support our local community , our veteran brothers and sisters , and will help ensure access to affordable crops year round locally . We are looking for any size acreage to support our dream , veterans , church and community . Partnership , shared space , multifamily farming or any idea is worth a discussion .
n Compost Crew is looking to partner with farms to divert food scraps from the local community and make compost to improve crop yields . We are interested in leasing or buying at least a half acre of land for our composting program . Access to electric and water , a skid steer , and asphalt or concrete pad is a big plus .
n Community herbalist ready to grow ! I have been a grower of herbs in gardens large and small for many years and completed the Beginning Farmer Training Program at Eco City . Working with a mentor through Future Harvest and utilize sustainable growing practices . We grow a wide variety of aromatic medicinal plants and herbs , some culturally relevant vegetables . Looking to steward up to one acre .
Learn more : www . mocolandlink . org Bethesda Beat profiled The Faces of Land Link : bit . ly / BBLandLink
Mocolandlink . org