PLENTY-Summer-2024 Joomag Summer Growing Season | Page 30

own food , in community garden plots and at the farm , quickly became an essential part of AfriThrive ’ s mission . Training is essential to helping her community learn to grow their own food , says Dr . Choti , because the conditions and rhythms of American agriculture are in sharp contrast to what most immigrants from Africa are used to . “ In Africa you just broadcast your seeds , because it ’ s a twelve-month growing season ,” she explains . “ You ’ re not restricted by the seasons .” Whether they are growing food for their own families or to sell , prospective producers need to learn about everything from seed starting to weed management and marketing , alongside complex issues like land access and landowner relationships . AfriThrive supports learning and skill-building in all these areas , supporting farmers who make connections through the Montgomery Countryside Alliance ’ s LandLink program . “ It ’ s a big thing ,” Dr . Choti says , “ the cultural disconnect is there in terms of communication and how people do things , so we have to make sure that we are nurturing them , and also to be conscious of those differences to be able to take advantage of the available space .”
Even with the success of LandLink Montgomery , land access remains an issue for many of AfriThrives clients who want to grow food . “ Land is not accessible [ in Montgomery County ]” Dr . Choti says , “ and where it is accessible it is not sustainable .” At meetings with County Executive Marc Elrich , elected officials , and the Montgomery County Black farmers , Dr . Choti and other AfriThrive staff advocate for equitable access to resources in the county for immigrant farmers to realize their potential . Sustainable land access to host a farm incubator program for immigrant beginner farmers is also needed . It could provide education to both landowners and land seekers to help bridge cultural divides and promote mutual understanding . AfriThrive
A committed group of volunteers help at the farm .
also supports securing long-term leases for disadvantaged beginner farmers , which would encourage them to invest in essential infrastructure such as irrigation systems and cold storage . These long-term commitments also make farmers eligible for cost-sharing benefits from state and federal programs . Additionally , agricultural labor presents its own set of challenges , particularly because most of the available land is not easily accessible to workers . “ Most of these families don ’ t drive , so they would like to farm in locations accessible by public transportation or within walking distance ,” Dr . Choti notes .
What keeps her up at night , though , is long-term funding for her organization ’ s entirely remote team of five full-time and two part-time staff , who work alongside an enthusiastic and committed group of volunteers to “ bridge the gap between food security and cultural integrity .” Dr . Choti acknowledges that Montgomery County is an expensive site for a nonprofit organization , but she is committed to the place and
AfriThrive offers numerous ways to get involved in its mission to empower immigrant farmers and create an equitable local food system , including volunteering at the farm , assisting with food distribution , or participating in other activities . Community support is crucial , and donations are welcome . Join AfriThrive at its Diaspora Conference in July 12-13 , 2024 , for a celebration its achievements and plans for the future . www . afrithrive . org .