tric deer fencing and our plantings
expanded to include perennial native
plants for landscape architecture
clients. We inoculated mushroom
logs and placed them in the
woods. We also started curating
flower meadows on the property to
create habitat for insects and birds
(and start limiting the space that
needs mowing). One day, we dream
of having only a small patch of
mowed grass for playing and backyard
grilling but the remainder of
the site in crops, chicken pasture,
gardens, and trees. For now, we still
spend a lot of time on the mower.
As with the start of every new
season, we set our sights high on
what we will be able to achieve.
We tilled and planted cover crops
to double the size of the vegetable
garden and welcomed four more
Below: Ducks and goose exploring the
garden; Bobby after helping with neighbor’s
goat delivery.
ducklings, one gosling, and ten new
chicks to the farmstead. We have
more seedlings ready than we’ll be
able to plant. We are hoping that
our perennials will come back and
out compete the weeds this year
and provide food and habitat to
wildlife. We are eager to continue
improving our process to turn the
summer’s bounty into value-added
treats: spice peppers into smoked
spice blends, fruits and herbs into
jams, and dent corn into cornmeal
and tortillas. We are also on
a search for the best varieties of
garlic that grow vigorously here,
store well for the season, and still
let Allison make garlic braids.
When we work outside or sit
inside dreaming about the future of
our farmstead, we are delighted by
the flight of the bluebirds who call
our property home. They help us
by eating the insects in the garden
and, more importantly, they are
a symbol of joy and happiness for
us now and in our plans for the
future. Our near term vision for the
farmstead is to grow a meaningful
amount of the food we need for
our family, with some to share with
family and friends, while at the
same time serving as a model and
experimental hub for clients of our
landscape architecture business. As
we look to the future, we are eager
to grow enough food and plants to
sell and share with our community.
But first, we dig into the 2020
season and all it has to teach us at
Bluebird Farmstead.
Bobby and Allison Tjaden are co-owners
of Bluebird Farmstead LLC, just outside
Laytonsville MD. Bobby is the owner of
Tjaden Design Associates, LLC Landscape
Architects. Allison works at the
University of Maryland, College Park
promoting healthy & local food, sustainability,
wellness, and student engagement.
Learn more and contact them at
20 plenty I Summer growing 2020