Each day, we make an effort to
continue progress to invest in our
new home, dig into our small-scale
farm, and build our landscape architecture
business. Some days we
are able to get more accomplished
than others. The first and most
critical project was to create private
space for Allison’s mother so
she too could feel at home after her
move from outside New York City
to the agricultural reserve. A second
project followed on its heels: to
decorate the baby’s nursery while
still allowing space for Bobby to run
the landscape architecture practice
from home. We imagine it is this
way for all of you too: the project
list is longer than there is time or
money. But, it is home.
We met starting and building
a community garden at the
University of Maryland in College
Park. So, it is no surprise that our
favorite time together is outside,
playing in the dirt. Our farmstead
is a perfect compromise of Bobby’s
desire for a wooded lot to put into
practice permaculture design and
forest gardening and Allison’s love
of open, sunny space for growing
vegetables. The site is split
down the middle with three acres
wooded and three acres pasture
and homesite. Before we moved in
ourselves, we converted the existing
horse barn to house our chicks,
who were quickly outgrowing their
home in our garage, and urban
chickens from our backyard in the
rental house. We also got started
on a vegetable garden that would
go on to feed all the neighborhood
deer because the plants went in
before any fencing.
Our second season vegetable
garden was an improvement from
the first with the addition of elec-
Bluebird Farmstead Values
Here are some key tips of how we are creating an ecologically focused farmstead
that provides meaningfully for our family across many dimensions.
k Make room for wildlife habitat. The forest behind our home is a never
ending source of exploration, learning and wonder. Downed limbs and small
trees provide food for woodpeckers. We love watching the unfurling of the
ferns to let us know that spring has arrived. We reference Sibley Field Guide
to Birds regularly.
k Plant native plants. Our favorites include: Asclepias tuberosa for monarch
habitat, Andropogon virginicus for bird nesting materials, Ilex verticillata for a
winter food source. A great resource is Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and
Conservation Landscaping.
k Grow food. Feed your soil with compost, cover crops and crop rotations
and find crops that will bring you joy to both grow and eat. Our favorites
include arugula, ground cherries, hard-neck garlic, spice peppers, and tatsoi.
It is so much fun to grow food that you can’t find at the store and varieties
that have a unique history.
k Keep chickens or make friends with someone who does. Our chickens
are a great source of food, entertainment, and endless problem-solving. We
love to have our own eggs to eat and share with others. There is no better
thank-you for a neighborly favor than a dozen fresh eggs in a rainbow of
colors. Our chickens and ducks lay light brown, dark brown, blue, green, and
white eggs. We have knowingly encouraged at least four other families to
take the leap into chicken keeping.
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