PLENTY SUMMER 2020 | Page 2

Publisher’s Message Ten years from now what stories will be told about this time? A devastating pandemic with so much suffering—terrible losses of life, families isolated for months, economic upheaval, massive marches for racial justice, and, in Montgomery County, a rare late May frost devastating many orchards. And it’s only July. Thankfully, as we recognize the 40th anniversary of the Agricultural Reserve, it is clear that the visionaries who established it understood the ramifications of intelligent growth, farmland preservation and land stewardship. They cherished this 93,000-acre emerald jewel and laid the groundwork for a bright future. During COVID-19, win-win situations continue to sprout up in the Reserve. In this issue you’ll read about many of them. From innovative food delivery systems and partnerships, to how we can help our pollinators thrive, to Maryland’s million acre regenerative farm challenge, to a viticulture and culinary project happening at the Poolesville Golf Course, we are moving forward with new vigor. This could be called the silver linings issue. We are grateful everyday for the incredible outpouring of storytellers, image makers, friends and lovers of this place who so generously offer their writings, passions, insights, knowledge and wisdom. And to the advertisers, thank you so much for believing in PLENTY! Feel free to be in touch with your ideas and anything else you wish to convey. Just head to, and scroll down to the Get in Touch form or send us an email at: [email protected]. Jane Perini & Wib Middleton