PLENTY-SPRING-2024-joomag PLENTY Magazine Spring 2024 | Page 49

Selling and supporting the Agricultural Reserve for over 35 years .
experience equates advantage !

Protect the Ag Reserve

Ongoing and new challenges to our area ’ s environment , farms , and open space require persistent vigilance .
n Lodging on farms . A zoning proposal before the Montgomery County Council would allow landowners in the Ag Reserve to construct dwellings for overnight stays . This undermines basic tenets of and practices in the Ag Reserve . We oppose the proposal and urge the Council to reject it .
Toni Koerber f Member of Luxury Alliance Group
www . tkhomes . com f toni . realtor @ usa . net Cell :( 301 ) 802-6770 f Office :( 301 ) 299-6000
n Data Centers . Proposals to build largescale data centers in Montgomery and Frederick Counties are advancing . One site is in Dickerson . The plans for such facilities need to be complete and transparent — and thoroughly scrutinized .
n Waste management . Montgomery County plans a major overhaul of its waste disposal and recycling processes to make them environmentally cleaner . This is a welcome initiative . We are asking the County to shut down the Dickerson incinerator , a major source of pollution , as one element of the plan .
SCA initiatives
4 Promoting regenerative agriculture and table crop farming 4 Preventing commercial development near Sugarloaf
Mountain 4 Supporting the judicious expansion of solar energy 4 Fostering community dialogue on key Ag Reserve issues
Save the Date SCA will celebrate its 50 th year on June 2 from 1 to 4pm at Linden Farm in Dickerson . Lunch , music and a raffle for local goods and services . More details to come .
Help us advocate on behalf of the Ag Reserve . Consider becoming an SCA member and supporter . For more information , visit sugarloafcitizens . org or email us at info @ sugarloafcitizens . org
Wegmans Organic Farm
20600 Seneca Meadows Parkway Germantown , MD 20876
240.499.0700 wegmans . com