ISSUE № 16, SEPT 2015
Special OlYmpics T&T Tit Bits
*This list is based on feedback and may not be fully inclusive of all options. DO notify if necessary
Currently in Trinidad and Tobago the following sports occur under the SOTT program. Aquatics, Basketball, Bocce, Cricket, equestrian, Floor Hockey, Football, Gymnastics, Powerlifting, Track & Field and Volleyball . For further information do feel free to contact
the National Director - Ferdinand Bibby 685-5689 or the Sport/Technical Director - Clayton Williams - 347-4425
Persons are eligible for Special Olympics competition provided they are eight years of age or older, have been identified by an agency
or professional as having an intellectual disability, cognitive delays as measured by formal assessment, or significant learning or vocational problems due to cognitive delay that require, or have required specially-designed instruction and have registered to participate in
Special Olympics. Athletes who have physical disabilities but who do not have intellectual disabilities are not eligible for Special Olympics.
Special Olympics is more