PLENTY Magazine Summer 2021 | Page 43

throughout the DMV region not only for farm fresh milk , handcrafted yogurts , European-style butters and eggs , ice cream , but also for fresh picked produce , meats , pantry items , baked goods , beverages , convenient delicious meal box options and more . Whatever is not produced at the Creamery is carefully chosen from local farms for their highest quality and sustainability practices , contributing to their abundant product mix . Adding to the enterprise are on-farm activities like baby calf feedings and farm tours which are starting to come back as the pandemic eases . Just be sure to check the website for events and updates at southmountaincreamery . com .
At the Beginning
The original dairy farm operation dates back to the early 1980s . Founders Randy and Karen Sowers originally leased the land , bought 100 cows and started to grow the operation . “ They worked hard and struggled , rented more land , and eventually bought the place where South Mountain Creamery is today ,” recalls Tony Brusco , CEO and one of the next generation partners who took over the farm in 2017 . “ My brother-in-law Ben Sowers and his wife Kate manage the farm side of growing , feeding and caring for the animals . My wife Abby and I take care of the Creamery and the value-added side of the business ,” says Tony .
Tony didn ’ t grow up on a farm , but he became smitten by Abby when they worked together as teenagers at Kenny Rogers Roasters in Frederick . “ I had never set foot on a farm until I started
The milk from South Mountain Creamery is minimally processed by the same family and team that milks the cows and delivers it to your home .
dating Abby in the mid-90s ,” says Tony . “ When I fell in love with Abby , I started falling in love with the farm , too . I loved the environment , the tranquility of it , and the honesty of the work .”
In 2001 the dairy farm operation became the South Mountain Creamery with the goal of building a home delivery operation . Remember the milkman ? If you tell someone from Generation Z that up until the 1960s fresh milk was home delivered often through a pass-through milk box built right into the side of the house , they will probably think you are kidding . Milk delivery and empty bottle returns was a predictable and welcomed weekly ritual , American as a Fourth of July parade . Thankfully some vestiges of that simpler time have remained and are returning to creameries like South Mountain with their robust delivery business .
Farm work at the Creamery never stops . “ It ’ s a lifestyle , and when you ’ re working around the clock you ’ ve got to love it , and you ’ ve got to be willing to live it in order to make it work ,” insists Tony . Ben and Tony had distinct skill sets that had to work compatibly as demands for the business grew . So at some point Ben and Tony got together , as Tony recalls , and the conversation went like this , “ I don ’ t want to do what you do and you don ’ t want to do what I do , so let ’ s just respect each other and the lanes we operate in .” It worked . “ Now I consider us a very formidable partnership . There is little that the two of us can ’ t accomplish if we really want to ,” says Tony .
A Silver Lining Domino Effect
And that formidable partnership was tested like never before when COVID hit . In a few short weeks their delivery business doubled from around 5000 deliveries a month to 10,000 . They quickly added 10 trucks and hired more drivers . Trucks were scarce but Tony found a fellow in Georgia who was building refrigerated trucks , the kind he was looking for . Tony said , “ Put me down for six !” That was a first , ordering that many at one time ! “ I knew if I didn ’ t order them quickly they ’ d be gone . I didn ’ t see them fully built until they hit our driveway . That ’ s how fast we were moving this time last year .”
Although there were many challenges , the team managed to navigate the growth pretty well . “ On the one hand it felt terrible to grow the business because of a crisis , but on the other , how we
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