coordinator , Terri Bodnar , coordinates ride requests from clients , sends requests to our volunteer drivers , and connects clients with drivers . People in our five towns can call the WUMCO number at 301-972-8481 , ext . 4 , to talk to Terri about rides .
WUMCO and the Pandemic
WUMCO , like everyone else , has been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic . We have limited the hours the office is open to 9 am to 12 noon , Monday through Friday . We try to limit the number of people in the office to one at a time . Clients and donors need to knock on the outside door and staff will come to them to deliver food or collect bills to pay and food donations .
Food requests have doubled since March and , happily , food donations have also increased dramatically to meet those demands so far . Before the pandemic we emptied the parking lot cupboard at Drs . Pike and Valega ’ s office every week and a half or two weeks . Now we have to empty it twice a week thanks to the ongoing generosity of our neighbors . At this time of year in the past our shelves started getting pretty thin , but now the pantry is filled to overflowing .
Financial contributions have also increased dramatically since March with many new members and current members sending additional contributions . This year we have had more income than
While the pandemic has changed the way we do things , local farmers are doing their part to follow public health precautions while continuing to offer their seasonal produce , beverages , and fun farm activities to our community .
Pick-your-own pumpkin patches , apple orchards , and Christmas tree farms are welcoming families , though these activities are by reservation only , so please check farm websites directly for specific information .
Farmers markets , roadside stands , and on-farm markets are open for business with locally produced meats , dairy , fruits , vegetables , flowers , canned goods , and other products available . County wineries , cideries , and breweries are open for socially distanced relaxation on-site or to-go for enjoyment at home .
Visit montgomerycountymd . gov / agservices and check out the Farm-to-Table page to see what ’ s happening on a farm near you !
Kindness is like snow ... it beautifies everything it covers .
ever before from members . Requests for financial assistance have also increased and we expect more as various moratoria on evictions and utility terminations expire .
Transportation requests have slowed as the pandemic has increased . We have provided masks , disinfectant wipes , and gloves to our volunteer drivers , so they remain as safe as possible and continue to provide rides when requested .
– kahlil gibran
Though I am originally a city boy , working for WUMCO Help has given me incredible insights into the needs of our rural community and the generosity of the people in our five small towns of Poolesville , Boyds , Barnesville , Beallsville , Dickerson , and their environs . A heartfelt thank you to all who make this work such a joy . Your kindness and generosity truly lift everyone up .
After 40 years of work for his church ( Metropolitan Community Churches ), Adam DeBaugh joined the WUMCO Board of Directors in 2014 and became its Assistant Director in 2017 — its second paid staff person . Adam has devoted his retirement to feeding people . When schools are in session , he volunteers at Just Lunch , providing hot lunches to about 200 high school students in Poolesville and Backpack Bites providing bags of non-perishable food for children at Poolesville and Monocacy Elementary schools every Friday . www . montgomerycountymd . gov / agservices /