America to invest in this expensive and astounding technology .
As they enter the milking barn ready to relieve their heavy udders , cows readily walk into a chute where they will be fed a bit of grain while they wait for the
robot to electronically identify them by their ear tag . Then the VMS robot ’ s four milking suction cups reach out to each of the cows four teats . The robot begins the milking process , siphoning the milk off to nearby tanks as a computer screen shows the volume of milk produced by each udder , until all four udders are empty . Then the gate to the chute opens , the feed bucket that gave the cow incentive to stand in place is removed , and a gentle nudge on her hind end
Top left : The creamery ’ s solar panels provide 88 % of its energy needs ; top right : a cow enjoys a bit of grain while she is milked , as the robot ’ s computer screen reports progress ; above : cows wait patiently for their turn with the milking robot .
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