PLENTY-Fall-2024-Joomag PLENTY Magazine Autumn Harvest 2024 | Page 12

You can help protect our water supply !
As part of the funded program , MCA will host webinars , produce videos and other media to educate and inspire residents that rely on groundwater about what they can do on their own property to safeguard the aquifer . “ Even small actions can make a difference ,” says Abby Mann , the groundwater campaign coordinator . “ There are the obvious actions like taking shorter showers or letting lawns go dormant , but we are looking to help folks make other lifestyle changes that will yield big impact .” A survey of area residents and businesses will be widely shared to gain insight into how much knowledge of the resource exists , the challenges people are facing with regard to water quantity and quality , and how individuals are managing the resource themselves . ( See sidebar ) Nationwide , one third of the U . S . population of 333 million is served by groundwater . In the face of a changing climate the imperative to protect the nation ’ s water resources is great . Arizona is already facing an existential crisis with its dwindling groundwater supply , and in areas around Phoenix there is not enough water to supply housing projects that have already been approved . In the Midwest , the vast Ogallala Aquifer , which serves over 2.3 million people , is forecast to be completely depleted by 2100 unless successful policies are enacted to conserve and , indeed , reverse its depletion .
In light of these challenges , many jurisdictions across the US that have established advisory boards or committees to provide planning and oversight of their aquifers . To date , the Piedmont Aquifer has no such stewardship program . MCA and local stakeholders are currently exploring the creation of an advisory group
with Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich who shares , “ The Piedmont Sole Source Aquifer provides the water for a large area of western Montgomery County , including the Town of Poolesville . It is vital to our community . Knowing more about it and what is affecting it is critical . Safeguarding and managing our water resources are all the more important with the impact of climate change on the weather , rainfall patterns , runoff volumes and groundwater recharge rates .”
Recently MCA , along with Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility ( PEER ), filed multiple public information act requests with the Maryland Department of the Environment , finally gaining public release of an important report ( also conducted by hydrogeologist Pat Hammond ) called , The Effects of Climate Change on Maryland ’ s Water Supplies . Why shouldn ’ t the public in Maryland be made aware of these coming challenges , we wonder ?
Among other forecasts , Hammond reveals that drought cycles , increasing in both frequency and intensity , will have larger impacts on groundwater supplies than water sourced from surface water . Moreover , increases in volume and velocity of precipitation events will affect how successfully the groundwater aquifer will be recharged . Implementing best land use practices to contain stormwater will be key . Impacts from both floods and droughts will need to be considered .
MCA ’ s Good Gift campaign is a starting point in the necessary work to ensure resilience of our water resources according to Tworkowski who writes “ this case study stands as just one example of the studies that will be required to maintain a fragile resource in order to benefit our future generations . We have the knowledge , and it is time that we show that on an individual and societal level , we make decisions that fully embrace the facts underlying that knowledge in order to ensure the future security of our critical water resource .”
Caroline Taylor and Kristina Bostik joyfully serve as staff for Montgomery Countryside Alliance .

You can help protect our water supply !

Scan the QR code or visit www . mocogroundwater . org to participate in our groundwater survey . Your feedback is essential in helping us understand and address the concerns of our community . By sharing your experiences and practices , you ’ re contributing to efforts that safeguard our water resources and future generations . Your responses are completely anonymous and all data will be used solely for our water conservation and safety initiatives . Thank you for your participation !