PLENTY-Fall-2024-Joomag PLENTY Magazine Autumn Harvest 2024 | Page 11

The finite Piedmont Aquifer keeps the Reserve viable for agriculture , and by making extension of public water unnecessary , further discourages urban sprawl . In the face of long-term climate change , we will need an active conservation program to ensure that the aquifer , the good gift , endures .
- dr . royce hanson , former montgomery county planning board chair , author of nation ’ s metropolis , the economy , politics and development of the washington region
and increased demand . The sole source aquifer , however , has no such opportunity for backup . Yet it is the only economically viable source of potable water for thousands of residents and businesses , notably agricultural businesses .
Recognizing the potential water supply challenges that residents and businesses in the Ag Reserve could face in the future , Montgomery Countryside Alliance ( MCA ) stepped in to help and secured grant funding from the Chesapeake Bay Trust and Clean Water Montgomery , supported through the Montgomery County Water Quality Protection Fund , to complete groundwater research and undertake an educational outreach campaign aimed at local residents , businesses , and decision makers . Its Good Gift Groundwater Campaign will highlight both the nature of and means to conserve the high-quality yet fragile groundwater aquifer and the watersheds that feed it . MCA is continuing to travel on the theory that in order to protect something like our aquifer , we must know it better and come to value it . And in that regard , there is much work to be done .
The first phase of the project has been completed , as presented in a report compiled by longtime state hydrogeologist Pat Hammond entitled “ A Study on the Reliable Drought Yields of Poolesville ’ s Public Water Supply Wells , Montgomery County , Maryland .” The report ’ s release is timely as the municipality of Poolesville , within northwestern Montgomery County , is revising its comprehensive master ( land use ) plan . Evaluating Poolesville ’ s water supply , facilitated by years of water system record keeping , will serve as a
Chief Takeaways from MCA ’ s Groundwater Study
n Unconfined groundwater aquifers , such as the Piedmont Sole Source Aquifer , will be significantly impacted by climate change . n Flooding and drought will happen more often . n The aquifer may be overtaxed to produce the water necessary for current projected population growth within the northwestern part of Montgomery County , notably within Poolesville . n Careful monitoring of water system production will be needed . n Reduction of aquifer recharge as a result of climate change could cause increased well interference as well as degradation of biological habitat in local watersheds .
case study as both the county and region evaluate the sustainability of our water resources . In the preface to the report , local hydrogeologist and Reserve resident Robert Tworkowski writes :
There are limitations on what the aquifer can produce and if we extract more from it without proper management and planning , we will compromise the resource and jeopardize those that are already using it . Expanding development in a sensitive area such as the Sole Source Aquifer is a serious concern and needs to be evaluated prior to it being permitted . photo : Erik Petersen
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