Platt Card Fortune Telling Divination | Page 54

CARD FORTUNE TELLING 50 We money. of Clubs must also note the presence of the Queen and the Seven of Hearts, which strongly suggest woman, and m all probabihty the Hearts, in House Eleven, represents a rival in the favours through a Jack of affections of the woman in question. This brief sketch will give an idea of " how it is done," but the Diviner must cultivate the power by shuffling cards, time after time, until he or she can recognise the combinations with some ease. We must not, however, overlook the other indicating and arranging the — Two of Diamonds represents the confidant of the enquirer, and in the present case, this cards for instance the — on House Eighteen which signifies Happiness. In the diagram it appears to be a long way from the Two of Hearts, but in reality it is only two places away from the vital group of nine cards, with the Queen of Hearts card falls between—this is a good card, and signifies a generous or woman, thus intensifying and confirming the affectionate previous reading. of Clubs is too far away to affect your Divinathough it falls in the Marriage House, and is next the Eight of Diamonds- a journey, probably to the home of the woman who is so vitally concerned in this matter. Madame Lenormand's method of Card Divination is The Two tion, — an excellent one and is much favoured. It has the great merit of simplicitj^ and the use of the four Twos as indicators avoids disturbance of the Court card values. It is necessary to point out that the full nine cards can only be obtained when the Two of Hearts falls in one of the centre rows. Ob\dously if it falls in the top row, you can only use six cards. In this case I myself assume that the bottom row has been transplanted above the series, I secure the fuU nine cards. For instance, if Hearts had fallen in House Four, instead of of and in this the Two way