Platt Card Fortune Telling Divination | Page 53

CHAPTER III A TEST TELLING OF THE CARDS the INcards,illustration will be (p. 48) of an actual " falling " of the noticed first of all that the Two of it Hearts, representing the consultant, is reversed—this fact must be borne in mind while we interpret the cards. Of the eight surrounding cards, three represent people, House number Twenty-one, two of these being men where the Two of Hearts rests, signifies Rivalry of all sorts, not only in love, but in business. It is good that a Heart should fall here, but the reversed position at once suggests delay or interference, which is also confirmed ; elsewhere. Let us find that now consider the Suits we have three Hearts, of the eight cards including the Fool, ; we who has the power of changing everything imexpectedly. As this card falls in House Thirty-one, showing Good Fortune, we again see that all will come right, but in some un- There are also two Clubs, which show two Diamonds, and only one the influence of friends Spade. This is a very fortunate series as far as suits go expected fashion. ; ! The Eight ill-health card is of Spades in all is not a very bad one, and probability, especially as the only reversed card in the series. in House on either side the personal card, suggests the unexpected receipt of The combination of the Ace Twenty-two (Gifts) with the Ten of signifies the personal D 49 of Diamonds of Clubs,