Platt Card Fortune Telling Divination | Page 15

HISTORY OF THE PACK OF CARDS active, all and therefore must ii or even suppress, influence, other indications. is strong enough times may prove you through much evil On the troublous, but you will pull clear before long. other hand, if the Fool is attached to a bad card, any signs of good fortune, shown by the other cards, will not be strong enough to save you from the threatened trouble, though they may modify it to some extent. It is a curious fact that in certain card games we still find this all-powerful Jester, who has the happy power of over-trumping the Ace of Trumps, whatever the suit may be. Apart from this, our modern pack of Pla^dng cards has entirely abandoned the twenty-two special Divination cards of the Tarocchi, though these cards were and still are used for games as well as for Divination purposes in those countries where the Tarot pack is still Associated with a good card, the Fool to carry ; in regular use. In addition to these twenty- two cards, the Tarot pack contains fifty-six cards, divided into four suits, just as our modern packs are divided. But the superior Western mind has destroyed all the original clever significance of the Tarot, and has substituted the senseless jangle of Diamond, Heart, Club and Spade meaningless, sense- — less, nonsense ! In the Tarot, the four suits are represented by other emblems : —we have Vase, the Priestly caste of the East ; which represents the the Sword, which indicates the Warrior caste the Piece of Money, which clearly shows the ]\Ierchant caste and finally the Baton or Club ; ; gives us the Yeoman or Tiller of the Here then we have four soil. suits of cards, presenting a distinct class of people, and are covered all classes of the people each one re- in the quartette — for in the early