Platt Card Fortune Telling Divination | Page 14

CARD FORTUNE TELLING 10 Chess was the great Eastern game, and ways characteristic of a people to is whom Time in was many of no may have been a game originally, but as known by the gipsies they were only used for the purposes of Divination, or Fortune Telling, and right up to the present day they still form the most popular and Cards importance. widespread means of testing the fortune. Known numbered pips, as for as Tarocchi, or Tarots, the Divination cards — and were without numbers or which were introduced in Europe seventy-eight, we call the sake of them — simplicity, in the fourteenth century. Such packs are still in use in parts of the Continent, but the Western pack has gradually taken its place, both for the purpose of Divination and for playing games in fact, it is usual to speak of a pack of " Playing cards," a distinction that is hardly necessary nowadays, as it is not easy to obtain a pack of Tarot cards, unless one knows where to go for them. The fact, however, that we still use this distinctive name, shows that at one time the two kinds were in use side by side. If we compare a complete Tarot pack of cards with the modern Playing cards we shall find many interesting points of resemblance, and at the same time discover the reason for the changes made in the Western World. There are twenty-one Tarot cards that are used solely for purposes of Divination, and the designs of these cards vary greatly and have probably never had any real signifi- — cance. In addition to these, there as the Fool — and as far as is we know always a card known the card has always For purposes of Divination it has no separate indication, but serves to intensify the meaning of the card next to it. Thus it becomes a very powerremained the same. ful and dominant card when one is foretelling the Future, by the Fool is certain to be as the indication supported