Platinum Advertisement Magazine Nov/Dec 2018 Vol 39 | Page 87

Boundaries promote healthy relationships.<> Many people believe that there should be no personal boundaries in a perfect relationship. This could not be farther from the truth. Personal boundaries define us as individuals. And individuality, along with mutual trust and respect, is an important part of maintaining a healthy relationship. Relationship boundaries do become more flexible as people grow closer, but they should never disappear.

If one person exhibits obnoxious or abusive behavior, the other may want nothing more to do with them. Or if one person seems to have no personal boundaries at all, or just goes along with whatever is said, the other may see no long-term future. In both situations, respect is lost. And without mutual respect, a successful relationship is virtually impossible.

Boundaries can relax or strengthen.

As time goes on, and mutual trust and respect grows, boundaries can become more flexible. But they should never disappear. Our individuality is too important. We are entitled to personal thoughts and feelings. If these thoughts and feelings directly affect the other person or the relationship itself, however, they should be communicated<> in an appropriate manner.

If overall trust and respect within the relationship lessens for one reason or another, boundaries may need to be strengthened.

Setting boundaries in relationships does not limit happiness, it encourages it.

"Daring to set boundaries is about having courage to love ourselves even when risk disappointing others."

Remember anything worth having comes at a risk. Hmm perhaps our next topic will be just that ... RISK! From Platinum to you ... never let go your boundaries, they are important because they define who you are.