Platinum Advertisement Magazine May/June 2018 Vol 36 | Page 33

MYOB ... by Commenary by GinelleLegend

Mind Your Own Business. Ohhhh weeeee! Shall we embrace that term. ~takes in a deep sign waiting for the next thought to come around~...

Question! Do you know anyone you would like to say this to? ~raising my hand high~ Just watching the list in my head grow as long as my IMVU friend's list. ~thoughtfully frowns~ Oh wait ... hmm some are on my friend's list. (rofl) Oh! and in my real life family too ~hehe~!

Most nosey people aren't doers. They are complacent. They are bored and unproductive. But however, they do try to achieve their goal of being superior without much effort. You say ... well, Ginelle, how do they accomplish that?

Nosey people tend go after others who are successful in life or those who are very productive and positive in life. For instance; if you have a good job, they cannot wait until you are unemployed so they can talk about how you are unable to keep a job or you are no good and lazy. Then another example, there are busy bodies who go after those who have something they want or wish they could have; such as, a good relationship or marriage or they are popular with others. Those nosey meddling busy bodies circle like buzzards seeking to devour all the goodness from someone else's life.