Velcat1Love: The choices for accepting cash or credit can be a good thing, however if these choices cannot be reversiable at any given time , than what good is it? Maybe on
Velcat1Love: certain times i might want to do a cash transaction but on another situation i might want to do it in credits but imvu have not give us the ability to change up when needed
SirJP1Love: I am sure IMVU is taking all these things into consideration, but for right now someone has to control the credit market, and that is what they are attempting to do
SirJP1Love: Just like changes to the game have to be made to run the program, these changes will be made in time.
SirJP1Love: To help ride thru these rough times, the University is offering special half price to our students.
SirJP1Love: Ms Rosebud and I will work with each student on a case by case basis.
Velcat1Love: Also we have both made concessions to provide special services for our clients those who might be low on credits and cash thru scholorships and discounted pricing.
MrsQG4EVA: Now we would like to know about 1Love University Production Studio. What is it ? How did it come to be ? What do you have in store for the imvu community ?
How did it come to be ? What do you have in store for the imvu community ?
SirJP1Love: Well I try to get my students to think outside the box, as a result, we came up with a new innovative tv programming.
SirJP1Love: In an attempt to let people know what we have to offer at the university, we came up with a tv show called "Around Campus