SirJP1Love: The program will interview our instructors to let them explain what they do at our university.
SirJP1Love: We offer video classes in which we teach our students to make commercials for thier products, to be aired between our shows.
Velcat1Love: And for those who love fashion and updates on new creators round imvu town we have the Love My Avatar Fashion Talk Show hosted by me
SirJP1Love: We will also have our News Desk segement, which is informative and gives current events and updates to our IMVU community
MrsQG4EVA: Now we would like to know about 1Love University Production Studio. What is it ? How did it come to be ? What do you have in store for the imvu community ?
Velcat1Love: New programs will be set up for future shows for sports, entertainment, soap operas, comedy, music videos kids and game shows
Velcat1Love: which will be keeping us pretty
MrsQG4EVA: Well I thank you and the imvu community thanks you for enlightening us to all 1Love University has to offer and what we can look forward to coming from 1Love University. Thank you so much for sharing with us.
Velcat1Love: thank you Q :)
SirJP1Love: It was our pleasure Q