The Glamorous Thirties
Being in my thrities has to have been one of the best decades of my life. I've done a lot, I've learned a lot and I've embraced who I am with plenty of time before I turn the big four and oh.
It has to be said that whle your twenties are all about the fun-loving frolics - and to be honest so are the forties - the thirties are a time to truly find your inner glamour puss. I've discovered all about my shape, what I can look fantastic in and what I should most likely avoid. How did I do it though?
With a little help from my son, you may know him he runs The Glamour Suite - and this whole column was his idea for me to tell you just how you can find your glamorous side.
I should probably start with basics, avoid clothes that are typically not your size. Whether you can squeeze into them or not is beside the point, you will look and feel so much better when you can breathe. Stick to patterns that aren't too busy or offensive to the eye and cover up any spots you have a personal issue with.
These are just my basics for finding your glamorous side. Remember a good enclosed shoe and a dress that either shows the girls or the pins, not both, are goof places to start too. Come back for my next installment in Platform in 2014 where I will talk you through discovering your shape and being comfortable with it.