The technology means that the Dual
Clutch-enabled trucks are ideal for long-haul
operations and for use in conditions such
as curving roads, for hill climbing, and in
instances where road speeds are constantly
changing. The technology is becoming
increasingly popular in applications that
involve the transportation of active loads like
fuel, where one does not experience surge
between gear changes, thereby enhancing
the safety factor.
A number of upcoming customer and
media days will be used to introduce the
new technology to the market.
Challenges and opportunities
for concern, especially in the already
overcrowded urban centres, where traffic
Population growth worldwide is cause
Both Volvo Bus and Volvo Penta sales were up on the previous year in South Africa.
congestion is increasingly problematic.
Linked with this are concerns around
rising pollution levels and ongoing contact. Pre-programming of vehicles will on-road truck developments. In accordance
environmental damage. ensure that they brake automatically in with current roads legislation, a driver is
situations where accidents are imminent. still required to be present in the truck, but
Volvo Group is focused on three technology Since approximately 90% of accidents are the truck’s operation will be automated and
trends: connectivity, vehicle automation, owing to human error, this would be a boon the driver can override and intervene at any
and electromobility. The idea of connected in South Africa. stage he or she feels necessary.
To provide relief from these issues, the
vehicles may sound like sci-fi, but Volvo
Another seemingly unbelievable
Pilot studies are taking place in Europe
is already investigating the technology technology is the self-driving (automated) this year on electrically driven medium-
around vehicles that are connected via truck. Currently undergoing testing in Brazil duty trucks for urban distribution. While
signal transmission. When this technology and Sweden, these vehicles are definitely this is not currently a viable market
is perfected, traffic jams and accidents on the cards for the future. Underground, in South Africa, owing to the larger
should be drastically reduced, as vehicles remote-controlled trucks are already being areas between cities and towns, it is
will adopt an avoidance pattern that sees piloted in specific mines and feedback on interesting to note that given the correct
optimal road use and minimised physical their efficacy will form the basis of future infrastructure, this could be an option in