power solutions segment, with 704 units diesel technician apprenticeships, and 236
producing a 17% increase in orders. learnerships.
“This is all in line with the Volvo
Group’s international sales figures, which Into the future
demonstrated an overall 11% increase in A further R1.6-million is being invested by
sales within the fourth quarter, with a marked the company in the currently unemployed
turnover of R490.3-billion. Volvo Trucks drivers’ training academy programme. “Our
Southern Africa also experienced an increase intention here is to create a pool of suitably
of 0.63% from the previous year, up to qualified master drivers for hire by our
16.25% market share, which places us in the customers. The prerequisite for entry into
number three position,” says Christensson. the programme is a Code 14 driver’s licence,
Other notable achievements in 2017 for
will be between nine and 12 months. We
an upgrading to B-BBEE Level 4 and would like to see this become an ongoing
being recognised as the Volvo Group’s programme, so we are keen to bring other
global winner of the brand image and investors, including government, into the
customer satisfaction index (CSI), with scheme as we believe there is a dire need
a score of 97.87%. Based on the Scott for such a service. The aim is to have a
Byers Competitive Customer Satisfaction national footprint of really good drivers, but
Monitor, the Volvo CSI programme is an initially we will concentrate on classroom
internal investigation by the Volvo Group, and prac tical training, predominantly in
which rated South Africa’s scoring as Gauteng,” says Christensson.
excellent in terms of availability of parts,
introduction of a number of new products
satisfaction-led elements. and enhanced features across the Volvo
award is indicative of the customer-centric
Trucks range.
The FM and FH heavy-duty trucks,
attitude that underpins everything the equipped with liquefied natural gas (LNG)
company does, from aftermarket service engines, launched globally in early 2018.
and parts stockholding to the training of its Targeted at the medium distribution
employees. and long-haul market, these 420hp and
“We have made a substantial
460hp trucks are characterised by a diesel
investment in our dealer network, with combustion cycle. The trucks have the same
brand-new R125-million facilities currently fuel efficiency as traditional diesel trucks
being built in Pinetown and growth in and 15–20% better fuel efficiency than
the network in Harrismith and Alrode, equivalent gas engines. Furthermore, there
to provide our customers with easier is a 20–100% reduction in CO 2 emissions,
access to our trucks. Alongside this, we depending on the fuel used. Currently, the
inaugurated a new, state-of-the-art facility trucks are only available in a Euro 6 package,
in Port Elizabeth on 16 March,” he says. but as the market matures and high-quality
“We have a total of 25 dealerships
across southern Africa, which includes new
facilities in Lusaka, Zambia, and planned
Torbjörn Christensson,
Volvo Group Southern Africa
Customers can also look forward to the
servicing of vehicles, and other customer
Christensson explains that the CSI
We do not let politics
interfere with our
business operations.
Politics is for politicians.
Volvo concentrates
on developing and
supplying great trucks.”
and we anticipate that the course duration
the Volvo Group Southern Africa included
gas becomes more readily available, this will
be reviewed for the local market.
Later in 2018, the company will
expansion into Mozambique. Our aim here be introducing the Dual Clutch I-Shift
and with our manufacturing facilities is to transmission for Euro 3 engines to the local
meet demand with an adequate supply market. Christensson says that the drivability
that will see any potential delays eliminated of vehicles using this technology is notable.
through proactive planning,” Christensson There is an uninterrupted flow of power as the
points out. vehicle accelerates from 1st to 6th gear and
Training remains a focus for the
from 7th to 12th gear, with no loss in speed
company, with R25-million spent on experienced. This provides the truck with the
training 2 381 employees and potential ability to not only maintain its own speed but
employees, through 60 employee moreover, to match speed with other vehicles
bursaries, 17 Star for Life bursaries, 87 for enhanced safety of all road users.
MAY 2018